10. Oops, I Did It Again: Adventures in Clumsiness

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Haerin's heart sank like a stone as she realized that the person she had collided with was none other than the evil witch herself - Danielle Marsh, AGAIN.

A sinking feeling settled in her stomach as she witnessed the food staining Danielle's shirt, her mind racing to find the right words to fix this mess.

"I am so, so sorry! Danielle... I didn't mean to! It was an accident, I swear!" Haerin exclaimed, her words tumbling out in a rapid stream of apologies. "I'll buy you a new shirt, I'll do anything. Just name it. I'll help you with any homework for a week, I'll let you copy my notes for the upcoming exam, I'll even run laps around the school if that's what it takes. Please, just forgive me!" she continued, her voice pleading. "Trust me, you don't want another detention."

Minji, standing beside them, struggled to contain her laughter, her eyes sparkling with amusement as she watched the scene unfold.

Danielle held Haerin's gaze for a moment, her expression unreadable, before finally relenting with a sigh. "Fine, fine. No need to grovel," she replied, her tone resigned. "But you owe me big time, Kang."

Haerin breathed a sigh of relief at Danielle's words, her shoulders sagging with relief. "Thank you, thank you," she repeated, her voice filled with gratitude.

With the tension momentarily diffused, Haerin turned to Minji, shooting her a grateful smile before turning back to Danielle. "Come on, let's get you cleaned up," she said, gesturing towards the restroom.

Once they reached the restroom, Haerin helped Danielle remove her stained shirt, feeling a pang of awkwardness at the intimate gesture. Working quickly, she wet a paper towel and began dabbing at the stain, her movements careful and precise.

"Sorry if this is weird," Haerin muttered awkwardly, her cheeks flushing with embarrassment as she focused on her task. "I just want to make sure the stain doesn't set."

Danielle shrugged, a hint of amusement in her eyes as she watched Haerin work. "It's fine. I can handle a little mess," she replied casually.

As they finished cleaning up, Haerin hesitated for a moment before reaching into her pocket and pulling out her phone. "Here," she said, holding out her phone to Danielle. "Take my number. Call me if you need anything, or when you know what I can do to make it up to you. I owe you big time."

Danielle accepted Haerin's phone with a skeptical look but eventually punched her number into her own phone. "Alright, Kang. I'll keep that in mind," she said, her tone still laced with a hint of sarcasm.

Haerin nodded, feeling a sense of relief at least having made some attempt to make amends. "Thanks," she muttered, tucking her phone back into her pocket. "And again, I'm really sorry about the shirt."

With that, they both exited the restroom, the tension lingering between them as they made their way back to the cafeteria. Despite the uneasy truce, Haerin couldn't shake the feeling of guilt that weighed heavily on her conscience.

As they returned to the cafeteria, Haerin couldn't help but notice the curious glances and whispers that followed them. She braced herself for the inevitable questions from their classmates, dreading having to relive the embarrassing encounter.

But to her surprise, Minji came to her rescue, seamlessly diverting the attention away from Haerin and Danielle as she launched into an animated story about their last basketball match. Haerin shot Minji a grateful smile, silently thanking her for the distraction.


Haerin sat at her desk at home, the soft glow of her desk lamp casting a warm light over the room. She groaned as she stared down at the pile of textbooks and assignments spread out on her desk. It was only the first day back after the basketball championship, and already the teachers had loaded them up with a mountain of work. She couldn't help but feel overwhelmed as she flipped through pages of equations and essays, her head spinning with the sheer volume of it all.

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