"No. I just Um.. was wondering if there was a money back guarantee in case her hair fell out or something?" Rory asked coldly.

"Sure, if your hair falls out well, give your money back." Shae said with a small chuckle.

"Good, you heard that if you go, Bald, you can get your money back." Rory said while turning to Layne.

Shae and Maren held a confused look as to why the girl was being so weird.

"Rory, you're kinda putting a damper on my independence day." Layne spoke while Rory nodded and talked about getting out of here, and the girls left out the door.

"I am so sorry. I don't know why she was rude." Maren smiled sadly to the blonde.

"Oh, it's fine, really." Shae waved it off, and Maren nodded and waved bye to the girl before following the others.

Rory got the bathroom set up while Layne let her hair down.

Maren got the bleach mixed up while Layne took a seat with a towel around her shoudlers.

Maren out Vaseline all around her hairline and neck to make sure the bleach doesn't burn her skin and so when the colored dye goes on.

"Alright, here we go." Maren smiled and started applying the bleach to her raven locks.

"How are you doing?" Rory asked.
"I feel fine. I have never felt so naturally high in my life. Stings a little, tho." Layne smiled.

"That's normal. Just tell me if it gets unbearable." Maren said as Layne nodded.

"Just a little no biggie. Actually, it's more than a little. It's kind of a big little." Layne said her shoudlers twitching.

"Just tell me when you want me to stop." Maren said while applying the bleach.

"I can't quit now. But in that case, it's kind of a lot. Yep, yep, a lot of stings are happening here." Layne said with agitation from the bleach.

"Just think about something else." Rory said, trying to help her friend.

"Okay, thinking about something else. Something else. I'm thinking about puppy dogs. I love getting things in a mail. Letters and packages." Layne ranted.

"The package." Rory said, imitating Jim Carey.

"What?" Layne asked, confused.
"That's what Jim Carey says in Ace Ventura." Rory said while Layne nodded her head.

"Such a good movie." Maren added, almost finishing with the bleach.

"Thinking about the last movie I saw. Vin Deisel. I'm thinking about Vin Deisel now. I'm thinking about where Vin Deisel got the name Vin Deisel. Thinking about Vin Deisel's mysterious ethnicity. I'm thinking about how surprising it is to have so much to think about Vin Deisel. Who knew, who knew. Ok....now I'm just thinking about the pain here." Layne ranted, waving her hands around.

"Go back to Vin Deisel." Maren spoke, trying to get the girl to not think about the stinging of the bleach.

"Ever light your head on fire? I know how it feels." Layne spoke agitated from the pain.

"Here, let's rinse it out." Rory said, walking over to the sink.

"No, we'd have to start all over again." Layne  said while jumping up.

"Im getting dizzy from the smell." Rory said while fanning her nose.

"Read the bottle." Layne asked while Maren picked up the bottle of bleach and turned to its instructions.

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