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When Lilian finally escaped the chamber, she felt free, relief and pure joy. She escaped Tom and Peter and she survived. With her new found freedom the first thing she wanted to do, is find out how to get the attention of the ministry, so she could go to Hogwarts, Lilian when seeing a train pass where she was walking, she decided to get on it and hide. The train brought her to a town called Cokeworth, she continued walking until she found an abandoned house with her surname on the postbox and so she decided to enter. The house was two stories and was fully furnished, the house looked as if it had been vacant for years with all the dirt and dust lying around. Lilian walked over to the fireplace and lit a small fire with her hands, although she managed to control her magic with her hands it would sometimes occur that she would accidently burn herself and it would be painful but this time she knew that it was the only way to warm up, she started her plan at using 'accidental' magic by blowing something up therefore making a lot of noise. 

Meanwhile in another residence on Spinner's End Professor Snape and McGonagall were having tea like they did once a year in the summer. When they saw the owl flying through the window.

"What is it, Severus?" McGonagall asked.

"It's from the Ministry." Snape replied in his monotone voice.

"Well, what does it say?" McGonagall asked, her voice filled with curiosity.

Severus Snape,

Since 1:27 A.M, at Lily Evan's old residence, the Ministry noticed strange behavior regarding magic that would be alarming if the muggles were to notice. In order to remain discreet and due to the recent escaping of the mass murderer 'Sirius Black' the Ministry would appreciate if you were to check out the situation, seeing as you're the only wizard in the area. We advise you to be discreet and to notify us if you need.

We thank you, 

Good day,

The Ministry of Magic  

"How is this possible Severus?" McGonagall still shocked.

"I don't know but I'm going to find out!" as he stood he put his cup and grabbed his wand.

"Wait for me Severus, you'll need all the help you can get if it's someone who's dangerous." 

They walked out the door and towards the late Lily Evans childhood house. When they arrived in front of the house it seemed normal. So, Snape with his wand raised along with McGonagall entered the house. And then they saw it the inside of the house was in flames, there was smashing and explosions of teacups, teapots and lamps. Snape stopped the flames and went for the living room where the fireplace was and as he and Minerva entered. The sight that they saw shook them, in the middle of the living room was a girl, she looked around the age of ten she was the tinniest and skinniest thing they'd ever seen she was curled in a ball. 

Lilian was only thinking about the fact for the first time ever she lost control, and she feared not what could've happened to her but what she could've done to others. The question of what if someone was in there and they'd gotten hurt was repeating itself in her mind. She cried, and held her knees close to her chest for fear she would hurt someone else. It was only when McGonagall let out a small gasp that Lilian heard and jumped to her feet and held her hands out in front of her in a defensive manner. It was only then that Snape and McGonagall saw her and they both gasped she looked like a replica to Lily Evans. They thought they were seeing a ghost. Severus lowered his wand and took a step forward, she took a step back.

" Please, don't come any closer I don't want to hurt you, Please!" she begged.

"Don't worry child, you're not going to hurt us. What's your name? I am Minerva but you can all me Minnie." McGonagall wanted to give the child a certain amount of security, she nudged Snape indicating to do the same.

"My name's Severus." he said still shocked.

"Lilian Evans" she said in a whisper.

"Pleasure to meet you Lilian. Where is your family sweet child?" Minnie asked the girl trying not to show her surprise because of her name.

"My parents are dead and my uncles hate me, they say I'm the devil's spawn. And so when my uncle died I ran away." Snape and McGonagall were worried the child had killed her uncle due to the fact that she did not seem upset, and became more wary, but were still heartbroken for her. "I didn't kill him, someone else did but it wasn't me I would never hurt them even if they were horrible, I swear I didn't." Lilian was on the edge of going into hysterics.

"No, we don't think you killed your uncles. How about we go to my house and have a cup of tea?" Severus said in a soft tone that surprised Minnie. Lilian nodded and they walked towards the potions master's house.

"Lilian, do you know anything about witches and wizards?" Minnie asked the girl as they sat in the kitchen, Snape prepared the tea.

"Yes, I'm a witch it means I can do magic with the special sticks called wands. At eleven we usually get a letter for a wizardry school, like Hogwarts." Lilian said quietly as if it were no big deal.

"How do you know about Hogwarts" the potion teacher asked. 

"My uncles told me while I was in my cell, they wouldn't let me out and I-I blew up a statue they had, I didn't do it on purpose." the fragile girl replied "I waited for my letter but I never got it so I just waited some more and then my uncles told me there was no point, because it was never coming." her lip quivered and tears were forming in his eyes.

"A cell, your uncles kept you in a cell?" McGonagall looked outraged.

"How old are you? Did you ever receive and education?" asked Snape equally as outraged but still kept a calm face. 

"Yes, they said it was normal, I only got an education through books, but I'm very smart I know quite a few potions, and spells but I don't have a wand so I can't do most of them. My uncles said that people like me don't deserve wands. I am eleven I am turning twelve on October the 25th." the girl looking a little less shaken seemed more cheerful.

"What potions do you know?" the potions master asked, because the transfigurations teacher looked more and more appalled.

"Veritaserum, Wolfsbane, Forgetfulness potion, basically all the potions from 1st year to 4th year.  They were the only books they allowed me read but I found the other books around the house, and I stole them when he would allow me out to stretch my legs. This is the first time I've ever been outside, it's beautiful all the flowers on that field near the train station."  she said being more and more open.

"I'm going to owl Dumbledore, Severus feed the girl. NOW!" McGonagall wanted to cry the bruises on the small girl's arms were a clear sign of abuse. However, a part of Minnie wished to stay in denial, she couldn't understand how someone could hurt the little girl sitting in the chair, when she smiled she looked as if the sun was just a spark of light compared to her,  the small girl looked exactly like her late student and she knew it was a coincidence but for a moment it was like she was talking to Lily Evans. 

Severus was watching the girl as she drank her tea, he was trying to get into her head, she would occasionally look at him, until she put her tea down and surprised him by saying "If you want to know something just ask don't try going through my head, it won't work. It never worked with my uncle when I was five I doubt it'll work now." 

"You're a bright girl, I must say." Snape smirked she saw himself in her, yet she also saw Lily Evans, and even a bit of Albus as she had that knowing glint in her eyes.

"Albus will be here in three minutes, thank merlin! Severus! I told you to feed that girl!" she said sternly, she turned to Lilian and her tone changed immediately "Dear, is there anything specific you'd like to eat? I'm sure Severus can make it." Severus gave her a stern look but nodded.

"I've never had fish and chips if it's not too much trouble, I'd like to try that." Lilian said with a bright smile on her face.

"Of course dear, Severus get to work." she ordered Snape and he did just what she said. Lilian had to cough to cover up her laugh. But the potions master caught her and smiled to himself.

And Lilian realized then she was not alone.

A/N: 1488 words

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