Jack - Chapter 2

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What the hell am I doing? Why do I have my little sister's best friend sitting on my bed in the middle of the night? Oh right, now I remember because I asked her to

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What the hell am I doing? Why do I have my little sister's best friend sitting on my bed in the middle of the night? Oh right, now I remember because I asked her to. The fuck was I thinking? Honestly I don't even know what to say half the time I'm around Chloe, I just blurt out anything that comes to mind. My heart beats at an extremely fast rate every time I see her, no matter what is happening. She does some funky shit to me, I swear. I got a good nose full from her sweet shampoo that smelt like bubblegum and her when she sat down next to me. Her hair is perfect, it's silky, straight and brunette that reaches about halfway down her torso. I love it. I'm jerked out of my daydreaming when she clears her throat "so.."
"Oh right sorry, um do you wanna watch a movie or something?" I ask
"Yeah sure that sounds good" she answers with a shy smile. I pick up the remote and turn on my tv that hangs on the wall opposite to my bed. "What do you wanna watch? Your pick"
"Hmm, what about Coraline?"
I blink at her "Coraline? You mean that weird creepy kids horror movie?"
She frowns at me and it's the cutest thing "yes that one. But Coraline's not weird, I like it, it's probably my favourite."
"It's totally weird. How the hell is it your favourite?"
"Because it is" she shrugged "its comforting in a way I guess"
"Right.. okay then we'll watch it"
"Really?"She smiled so brightly my heart jumped a couple beats, and I know that if she smiles like that I would say yes to anything she asks.
I nodded "yep just for you"


After I put on the movie we got comfortable in my bed and snuggled under the covers. Yes. Snuggled. We actually fucking snuggled together. I have no idea how it happened, one second we were apart and the next she was leaning into my side resting her head on my chest, and by habit I put my arms around her. It felt so normal and comforting. It was like we were a couple and for some reason I wasn't mad about it. I felt as her breaths slowed and realised she fell asleep. Shit. How the hell am I supposed to get her back into Sarah's room? I should probably wake her up but she's so calm and peaceful that I don't want to. I bite the inside of my cheek contemplating what to do. I'm just gonna finish the rest of this movie and then I'll wake her up. There's not long left so it'll be fine. Wrong. I was so wrong. Because of course I end up falling asleep with her and we're both woken up by Sarah banging at my door "hey have you seen Chloe?" She asks on the other side of my door, fuck. I jolt up at the same time chloe does and I whip my head towards her who's staring at the door with wide eyes. "Uh..." I struggle to find an excuse "yeah she left earlier, said something about a family emergency, she said she couldn't text you because her phone died and she didn't want to wake you" not bad if I don't say so myself, could have been worse. "Oh, okay then thanks" I hear Sarah's retreating footsteps from my door and I sag back onto the bed and take Chloe with me "what are you doing?" She whisper hissed at me and I grinned "what? You don't like being snuggled up against me?" She blushed the most adorable shade of pink "not that" she smacked my bare chest "why'd you lie to Sarah like that? A family emergency?" She blinked at me "really? How am I gonna explain that"
"What, did you want me to tell her? That you came into my room last night and we fell asleep together watching your favourite movie?"I raised an eyebrow in question and she blushed again, I still don't get how Coraline is her favourite movie though
"I guess not" she grumbled
"What I thought" I sighed tightening my hold around her
"But how am I supposed to get out of here now?"
"She'll probably go out with Ollie somewhere like she normally does, so you can leave then" Sarah and Ollie have been going out together since they were 14, so about 4 years now, he treats her right so I've grown to like the guy over time
"Mm true"
"Yep" I said popping the 'p'
"But don't they normally go out in the afternoon? So that means I'm gonna be hear for hours"
I grinned "sounds good to me"
"Ew you creep" she said trying to sound disgusted but had a smile on her face, god she was beautiful. Wait. What is happening? Why do I have her in my arms? Reality is setting in fast and it's hit me right in the face. I feel my heart beating in my ears, I'm totally over reacting, I've done this from time to time before with other girls so why does this one time with her affect me so much?
"Uh Jack?"
"Yeah?" It comes out squeaky and I cringe, I sound like a prepubescent boy having his first in counter with his crush and I guess it does feel like it in a way.
"Are you okay? Your heart is beating really fast and you feel hot" she has concern marked all over her face, I guess I'm kinda grateful that she hasn't realised that this is her fault, that'll be overly embarrassing.
"Yeah I'm all good, love. I probably just need a shower" that was a lame ass excuse
"Oh okay, do you want to go have one now? I don't want to hold you up, I mean I'll be here when you get back" her ears are a bright red and I resist the urge to kiss them so instead I glide my fingers over tops of them.
"Yeah alright I'll go do that" I say letting her go and I feel a sense of emptiness once she's gone. She sits on the edge of my bed watching me get ready for my shower
"You can pick out something from my closet if you don't want to stay in the clothes your in now, when I'm gone" one part of me tells her that because I don't want her to stay in her pyjamas and get uncomfortable and the other part just really wants to see her in my clothes. She turns her head towards my closet "yeah okay I'll take a look" yes! I mentally scream in my head, jeez i really am 13 all over again. I nod at her with a straight face hiding the emotions I'm feeling right now. I head into the ensuit of my bedroom. I got the lucky draw in who got the ensuit between me and Sarah, which was definitely a huge plus in the long run. It helps if I come home drunk and need to throw up I guess, but that's only one of the many things I like about how close it is and i would rather keep those other reasons to myself. I stare at myself in the mirror inspecting my extreme bed hair. My blond wavy hair going in too many different directions. I sigh and run my hands through it, not that it matters cause it'll probably get wet in the shower. I open one of the draws under my sink and get out my skincare. I may seem like a careless asshole at times but I also have priorities of my own. After I finish, I strip off the remainder of my clothes revealing my erection. Oh for the love of god. I didn't even feel myself get hard. I groan and step into the shower turning it on, ice cold water spraying down on me and I jump out of the way nearly slipping over in the process but manage to quickly recover. Turning on some of the hot water to even the temperature out I step back under the water and stare at myself in the reflection of the glass. What the hell is going on?

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 16 ⏰

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