𝙘𝙝𝙖𝙥𝙩𝙚𝙧 𝙨𝙚𝙫𝙚𝙣 - 𝙜𝙚𝙩 𝙗𝙖𝙘𝙠

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I came to party, baby
You might think I'm crazy
By the way I'm moving to the beat
You're standing on the wall
What you come here for?
You're gonna feel the heat
Dancing next to me
If you can't take it then get back (get back)
Get back (get back), get back (get back)
Britney Spears

Trolls (s) - Melody
Trolls (i) - BroZone, Poppy, and Viva
Trolls (b) - Everyone
Trolls (b+i) - Troll + Troll

MELODY watched from the driver seat as BroZone and Poppy performed one of BroZone's hits 'Perfect'

"♪ There ain't no stopping us, stopping us, we ain't pressing rewind~ ♪" Everyone else joined in, adding their own flavour, "♪ Rewind~ ♪" Bruce started off and then Clay, "♪ Rewind~ ♪" And Poppy went,
"♪ Rewind-uh~ ♪"

Melody noticed the adoring look that Branch gave her.

"♪ The sky was the limit, now the stars where we're living, it's the vibe when we're in it, it'll blow your mind ♪" Branch sung solo by himself, since it is his part.

"♪ It's so perfect, perfect, perfect. Harmony's so cold, perfect, perfect, perfect, let it go~ ♪" Bruce, Clay, and John worked on the low harmony, while Poppy joined in with a higher harmony.

"Stop, stop. Time out. Let's do it again from the top," John interrupted the practice to save Floyd, "Spruce, I want some smoulder in those eyes, Clay, you're being too stiff, we need some sillier robot," Melody noticed the shift in the tension, from comfortable or happy to tense and uncomfortable.

She saw how Bruce frowned at John when he gave them all notes, when Clay deadpanned at John, "Bitty B, maybe a smaller diaper?"He suggested, causing Branch to utter back in distaste, "If this diaper was any smaller, I could taste it."

"Melody, why don't you join us?" And she instantly shook her head frantically, feeling sick or nervous of performing because of her lack of practice and use of her singing voice.

"Come on, you'll be fine. Don't worry." John pushed her into the group, due to her nervousness, she bumped into Clay, more like caught by him as she apologised before mumbling how she didn't want to sing. Uncomfortably hiding behind Clay.

"Really great note, John Dory, super helpful. Thanks, thanks, now, I have a creative note for you. Stop being bossy!" Clay tugged Melody behind him, accusing JD.

"What? I'm not being bossy. I'm helping us be better." John tried to defend himself, "No. No, dude. You're forcing us to be perfect, just like you always have. So we can hit 'the perfect family harmony' You even forced Melody to join us when she clearly didn't want to."  Clay pointed, irritatedly, protecting his best friend.

"Yeah, for Floyd. And we needed someone else on high harmonisation, I couldn't hear Poppy." John informed.

"She clearly was uncomfortable about it, are you sure this is for Floyd? Or is this all just so you can tell people what to do again?" Bruce defended Melody.

"W-what?" JD threw his arms up in defeat.

"Guys, guys. This really isn't helpful right now, let's all maybe take five huh?" Poppy tried to ease the tension.

"This isn't gonna work, if you keep on being the same ol' John Dory." Bruce pointed his glasses at him, also frustrated of John's perfectionism.

"Yeah, we've all changed. Bruce settled down, Branch is slightly taller with zero glasses, and I'm a licensed CPA, put some respect on my name, fool!" Clay was tugged back by Melody when he started getting heated.

John shrugged, "Well, I'm not allowed to change, I'm the oldest. I had to be the leader."

Bruce scoffed, not believing him as he sat down, "You love bossing us around, just admit it." And JD turned to Bruce, slightly getting up to his face with an irritated expression of their teaming tactic against him, "Why do you think I left to the middle of nowhere? So, I didn't have to be in charge of anyone. Four little brothers is a lot of responsibility."

"Well, why do you think I left? So no one would treat me like you did." Bruce vented out, causing Melody to feel sad for him.

"You know what, Spruce?" But Clay interpreted his mistake and corrected him, "It's Bruce!" Melody patted his arm, not liking how the situation was turning.

"Thank you, Clay." Bruce thanked his correction.

"Guys, we can't forget about Floyd." Branch interjected in the heated conversation, disliking his brothers arguing once again, "Look, Branch is right. Let's just get this done and we can go our seperate ways." And Clay agreed, "Fine."

"Wait what?" Branch heard what John said, turning his head to them in utter confusion.

"What? The mission's the mission," John leaned back on the couch, laughing as he sarcastically spoke up, "You didn't think we'd live together, did you? Singing songs and roasting marshmallows."

Branch scoffed, "Oh. I'm sorry, is that funny to you? That I might wanna actually be a family again?"

He pulled out a paper of the bunker he made, "Tiny Diamond, pull over, now." Bruce and John stepped forward protectively.

"Don't be a baby, Branch." He attempted to keep Branch from walking out on his own.

"You're mad at him, but you guys do the exact same thing to me. You all still treat me like the baby of the family, but guess what? I stopped being a baby the day you guys walked out on me, cause I had to. Then grandma got eaten, and there was no one else to take care of me, this time I'm walking out on you." Melody's face morphed into shock when she heard that Grandma Rose was eaten.

She let go of Clay's arm, remembering how she asked if they should leave grandma by herself, she looked up at Clay when he patted her back comfortingly, "I'm so sorry." She apologised to him.

Poppy picked up the piece of paper that Branch threw on the floor, "This is Branch's bunker, he built this for you guys."

"I didn't know." John exchanged looks with Bruce.

"I guess you never asked." Poppy left along with Branch, heading out to find him.

"Wait, Grandma got eaten?" Melody hugged Clay, feeling pitiful since the three brothers had just found out.

𝗦𝗡𝗢𝗢𝗭𝗘 ★ 𝗖𝗟𝗔𝗬Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora