Unseen Threads

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Mon navigates the crowded hallways, her thoughts preoccupied with Sam. She's determined to understand the girl who's captured so much of her curiosity. Mon enters the art room for an elective class and is surprised to find Sam there, her fingers stained with paint, completely absorbed in her work. Mon's eyes are drawn to the canvas, where a beautiful, abstract piece takes shape under Sam's skilled hands. "I didn't know you painted," Mon spoke.

"There's a lot you don't know about me." Sam doesn't look up, her focus unbroken.

Mon smiles at her, taking a seat and beginning her project. The tension between them is palpable, but there's an unspoken connection forming.

The next day, Mon explores the town square, learning more about Little Valeria. She overhears locals talking about Sam's family, their tone a mix of sympathy and disapproval. Mon's heart aches for the girl who seems to carry the world's weight on her shoulders.

At night, Sam returns home to find her grandmother waiting, her expression stern. They argue, voices rising, and Sam's frustration is evident.

'You know what? You'll never understand me! All you care about is your reputation and money, Grandma."

"No, I don't. I care about you, Sam. I care about us, our family." Sam's grandma replied.

"If you cared about us so much, then why did Red die?? Where is Samantha?? Where is my mum?? Answer me, grandma. You couldn't accept the fact that Red's lover was a woman! You made Samantha leave us! She was the only one left after Mom and Red. Answer me, Grandma! Answer me! Where was your care that time??!" tears rolling down from her eyes as Sam recalls her past. Tears were it. The red eyes of Sam spoke thousands of unsaid stories. Her soul craved someone she could rely on. someone she could put all her trust in.

As she finishes her words, she feels a strong hand on her face, the mark of the slap from her grandma was visible in her naked eyes

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As she finishes her words, she feels a
strong hand on her face, the mark of the slap from her grandma was visible in her naked eyes. It was first. Nobody dared to hit her. She was the life of the family. Her grandma broke the cycle as she spoke, "SAMANUN FREEN, Know your limits!"

Sam storms out, leaving her grandmother alone, with a look of regret, anger and disbelief on her face.

The next day at Int. Melter spot High School in the cafeteria, Mon sits with a group of students, laughing and chatting. She scans the room for Sam, who sits alone at her usual spot, her lunch untouched. Mon excuses herself and approaches Sam. The clout mark on Sam's face was still visible. Mon gently spoke to Sam. She could feel the pain. She could. Probably people also left Mon. That's why she was good at understanding pain. Maybe she is.

"You know, it's okay to let people in sometimes."

Sam looks up, her cold eyes meeting Mon's warm ones

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Sam looks up, her cold eyes meeting Mon's warm ones. A bitter sentence comes in response, "People leave. It's easier this way."

Mon couldn't say anything because she knew it was of no help. Sam was broken to the core. to the core where it is almost impossible to reach. almost no chance to fix it. Mon's expression softens, and she leaves a piece of her homemade cake on Sam's table before walking away.

At night, Sam sits on her bed, the untouched piece of cake beside her. She picks it up, hesitating for a moment before taking a bite. Her expression changes, a hint of a smile playing on her lips.

In a turn of fate, Mon and Sam find themselves partnered for a class project. They work in silence, the air charged with unspoken words. As they pack up, Mon finds a note slipped into her book. It was a note. It was in Sam's handwriting. It said:

"Thank you for the cake

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"Thank you for the cake."

Mon looks up to see Sam watching her. A silent acknowledgement passes between them. The scene fades away with Mon holding the note, a small victory in her quest to reach Sam. Their connection grows, woven by unseen threads of understanding and shared moments. Mon is hopeful, but Sam's walls are still high.

Stay tuned for the next moment, where secrets will unravel, and hearts will tangle even further. Will they come down? The story continues. 🌸❤️

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