Gabriel, Dite, Rowan, and I were ready to go. As we were exiting the house Artemis approached the four of us. He was dressed in this all black outfit that made him look suicidal.

"Where the fuck are you going dressed like that." Dite asked her twin.

"With you guys. Duh." He rolled his eyes at his sister.

"Like hell you are." I laughed, "I refuse to be seen with you dressed like that."

"I think he looks perfectly fine." Gabriel shrugged, eyeing the boy in front of him.

"I bet you do." Rowan smirked.

"Y'all are just haters." He rolled his eyes again, "I'm going. I'm bored."

"Go clean up the weaponry room you fucked up yesterday during your little temper tantrum."

"I made Sunny do it."

Though Dio Brutale is a family made gang, being ran by the Galanis family, there's also a lot of outsiders, like Rowan, Gabriel, and me. And then there's people like Sergio and Sunny (Her real name is Delilah, but we call her Sunshine/Sunny because she's the beam of sunshine in this dark way of living) who serve different purposes. Sergio is an ex military man turned assassin and Sunshine is our magnet. Whenever a beating isn't enough to make a man squeal we send her to seduce (and sometimes fuck) him. Then there's people like Arabella who works for us, but she doesn't get her hands dirty. She's one of the many housekeepers. She hears a lot though.

"Stop being so damn lazy, Artemis." I spoke through gritted teeth as I plucked the back of his head.

"Ow!" He winced.

I'm heavy handed so even the smallest amount of contact sends people screaming. Or maybe they're just dramatic.

"You're not going. End of discussion." Aphrodite said, annoyance lacing her words.

"You are such a bitch. I should've ate you in the womb. Or you should've been swallowed."

"Don't make me fuck you up." I narrowed my eyes at him.

He flipped me off and then ran down the hallway yelling out Sunny's name. The four of us continued walking towards the car. Dite was driving, I was in the passenger, and the boys were in the back. Gabriel didn't want to stay back because he didn't want to train the new members. Plus, he could be really helpful.


"Did she look like she could be a stripper?"

"I don't know! I couldn't fucking see her."

We scoped out a lot of places but we were running short on answers. A lot of the places we went to had no idea who we were talking about. Apparently there's lots of blonde girls around here.

The last place was some strip club. I really didn't want to go in there. I was tired and in dire need of my daily nap. I didn't really have a choice since Dite and Rowan were insisting on going in.

And before you say anything, no, she didn't want to go in there to see bitches shake their ass, she wanted to go in there to see if we could get some information. She takes her job very seriously.

"Can I wait in the car?" I asked, though it was more of a statement.

"Yeah, Baby, go ahead. I know it's getting close to the time you usually take your nap." Dite replied before handing me the keys and pecking my lips softly.

I thanked her with another kiss and began walking in the opposite direction. I could hear Rowan teasing her about being whipped for me. He wasn't wrong.

She has a soft spot for me. She takes care of me and I appreciate it. I'm a very flawed person but she doesn't care. She loves me.

Approximately thirty minutes later the three of them knocked on the car window. I was about to drift off to sleep but they ruined it.

"Please tell me you got something."

"We did. We know who it is." Rowan grinned.

"Let's not get ahead of ourselves," Gabriel corrected, "We were able to narrow down some choices. There's only two blonde girls that work there. If we were able to figure out who it was they'd be in the car with us. We don't want to grab the wrong person."

"Did we get any names?" I raised my brow at the three.

"Magic and Sugar."

"Real names, Rowan."

"Talulah and Karina."

1307 words

A/n: It's time for you to put your seatbelt'll get Karina's pov of the moment in the next chapter. Hope you're enjoying this and I want to thank you for the love and support!

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