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<h1>Log 716: Day 716</h1>

The first bell of the new year rang from a distance followed by the loud booming bangs of fireworks. I get up from my lying position on the bed, shaking Dazai awake.

"Dazai, wake up."

He grumbles something, burying himself deeper underneath the covers causing me to huff out a smile, "Dazai, you said you wanted to go to the shrine to pray today, you know it's a long walk."

"Five more minutes, sunshine..."

"Five more minutes and the shrine will be crowded, c'mon, wake up."

He grumbles and whines causing me to laugh as I look down to see Nakajima who was sleeping in between the two of us.

Poking her and stroking her head gently, I try to wake her up, "Naka-chan, mind helping me get Dazai up?"

She hums, flipping herself over so she is now leaning towards me, still asleep and I ruffle her hair this time, "c'mon Naka-chan, I need some help here."

She yawns, stretching. And when I think she was going to wake up, she turns herself over again and clings onto Dazai this time.

I sighed and got out of bed, heading over to where Dazai was, trying to poke him awake this time, "Dazai, c'mon, get up, mae vita."

He ignores me this time and I let my finger cool off and poke him in the neck causing him to yelp and fall out of the bed. I laughed lightly as I stepped to the side.

"Being an android really isn't fair, (Y/N)-chan," he huffs playfully, getting up and dusting himself off, bells still ringing in the distance as he groans.

"Well, you were being stubborn, help me get Naka-chan up, she's pretty much passed out," I joked, looking over at the girl who was still buried under covers.

I poke at her again and Dazai laughs, leaning towards her and shaking her gently, "Naka-chan, wake up."

"Don't wanna..." I can hear her mumble a little as Dazai sighs, a little disappointed, "looks like it can't be helped, (Y/N)-chan, I'll have to use good old Mafia style torture."

He starts tickling her sides and she jolts awake with a squeal before laughing and kicking, "sorry! I-I'm sorry! D-Dazai-san!"

I laugh as Dazai stops, letting her catch her breath as she sits up and he smiles at her, "rise and shine, Naka-chan, hurry up, we're going to be late."

"Don't say that like you woke up easily either," I pointed out.

"I wouldn't be able to sleep anyways, why do they have to ring it 108 times anyways..." yawning and stretching, he goes to change as I answer while helping Nakajima out of bed, handing her her own clothes before heading over Gokicchi's tank to feed him.

"Well, according to the Jodo sect, the number 108 depicts the number of worldly desires... though it is rather curious on why people decide to give meaning to numbers..."

He slips on his haori, stretching a little more as he did, "alright then, let's head off."

Doubt slowly washed through me though.

"Are you sure it's alright heading off to such a crowded location? You are told to stay low for several more months..." I frowned as I moved towards Nakajima to help her obi.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 16 ⏰

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