Story tryout: Ship Happens

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The night air was crisp as Thomas stepped out onto the running deck of the cruise ship, feeling the air on his skin for the first time today. It was a welcome respite from the confines of the bridge. The sea was calm today and would stay calm for the rest of the night. The rhythmic sound of the ocean provided a comforting backdrop to his thoughts as he was about to set off on his nightly run. He noticed a few crew members scattered about the crew deck, their silhouettes illuminated by the soft glow of the deck lights. It was unusual to see anyone else out this hour, but Thomas welcomed the company, however fleeting it may be.

Even though Thomas didn't look forward to a late-night run after a long shift, he knew it would do him good when he would finish. He began to stretch, his muscles protesting after a long day's work. As he eased into his warm-up routine, he couldn't help but relax by the gentle lapping of the waves against the ship's hull.

With his warm-up complete, Thomas put in his earbuds and queued his running playlist. As the music filled his ears, he felt a surge of energy coursing through his veins. With each step, Thomas felt himself slipping further into a state of flow, his mind clearing with each rhythmic beat of his feet against the deck. He lost himself in the music and the motion.

As he rounded a corner, his gaze fell upon a figure bathed in a white workout kit, walking towards him in the opposite direction. It was Valentina Borghese, one of the big names in the cruise entertainer's world. She must have had a performance this evening since she was still wearing a full face of makeup. Thomas knew who she was, guests came on this ship for her, she was known within the crew. And she had a reputation; people described her as bitch, heartless and cold. Thomas passed her, not daring to look at her because, people said, you would get the chills when looking at her. 

Thomas finished a lap. He came across Valentina again; she was looking in front of her, with an empty look on her face, lost in her mind. It didn't seem like she was aware of Thomas. He couldn't help but scan her face quickly when he was about to pass her. Yes, she looked like she had an attitude, but her face showed a hint of vulnerability that was lying in her gaze. Despite the empty look in her eyes, Valentina had an undeniable allure; an effortless elegance rested over her.

He passed her. Again. And again. Each time he drew near, he couldn't resist stealing a quick glance at her. Until he hit the 7,5 kilometre mark. Thomas slowed down his pace back to a strolling pace. His chest was going up and down, his lungs asking for air. He felt his heart pounding in his chest. It felt good. Thomas walked around, putting his hands on his head and opening his lungs. The soft night breeze felt nice on his skin. Feeling a sense of satisfaction wash over him, Thomas placed his hands on the ship's railing and began to stretch, his movements deliberate as he worked to loosen the tightness in his muscles.

As he gazed out at the expanse of the open sea, Thomas couldn't help but feel a profound sense of peace settle over him. He was thinking about today; how they had a late departure because a few guests were late, but not that late that they left without them. He and his colleagues made the time up, they were back on track again. With a sigh of satisfaction, Thomas completed his stretches and began to make his way back towards the entrance. Then, his eyes fell upon a small, white box lying abandoned on the ground. Intrigued, he bent down and picked it up, seeing the sleek design of an AirPods case.

Thomas flipped the case open with his thumb, finding it empty. He patted the pockets of his trousers, relieved to find his own case. He got up and observed the deserted deck. Thomas realised that no one was in sight. With a thoughtful frown, he decided he would hold onto the case for now, intending to return it to the crew mess in the morning, hoping to reunite it with its rightful owner.

With the white case in his hand and a satisfied mind, Thomas resumed his walk back to his cabin. 

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