Peacekeeper - Coriolanus Snow

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The Capitol's marble halls echoed with hushed whispers as you navigated the maze of opulence. The pink line on the sleeve of your uniform marked you as the first female Peacekeeper, an abnormality in a world accustomed to male authority. The Capitol, ever hungry for scandal, revelled in your presence, and you knew you were an unwelcome note in the orchestrated symphony of power.

One morning, you have been asked to come to the headquarters. The seal bore the unmistakable emblem of President Coriolanus Snow. Your heart quickened as you made your way to his office, your mind racing with the possibilities of the task that awaited.

The door creaked open, and Snow's steely gaze met yours. You always forgot that Snow was a man of the same age as yours, he could be your friend - in another world. "Y/L/N, I have a task for you. A matter requiring your...unique skills."

You raised your eyebrow, your distaste thinly veiled. "Unique, sir? Or is it just that you need someone expendable?"

Snow's lips curled into a smirk, a dangerous glint in his eyes. "Expendable? No. In fact, quite the opposite, Y/L/N. I need someone who can handle the spotlight, and it seems you've mastered that art."

You scowled, but held your tongue, sensing the weight of his words.

"There's a gala tonight," he continued, his tone measured. He was observing your face sharply. "A delicate affair, requiring a discreet touch. Your assignment is to ensure that certain information is exchanged without attracting undue attention."

You sighed inwardly, realising that this was more than just a mission. It was a test, a calculated move on Snow's part to gauge your loyalty and competence. Ever since you entered the Capitol as a Peacekeeper, things haven't been easy on you. You were forced to be a Peacekeeper after committing a crime, you didn't have a different choice, so you took this task seriously. "As much as I'd love to decline," you replied, your voice dripping with sarcasm. "It seems I have no other choice. What's the catch?"

Snow leaned back in his chair, a sinister smile on his lips. He took a moment before he said something; he was looking at your reaction and your way of processing it. You had soft features in your face, your face didn't suit the uniform, but perhaps that was your strength. You were wearing your hair in a tight, low bun. Even though it suit your face, it wasn't like you. "The catch, Y/L/N, is that your success in this mission will also determine your future standing in the Capitol. Fail, and you'll find yourself back where you started, a mere footnote in our grand tale."

You clenched her jaw, the resentment bubbling within her. "And if succeed?"

"Then, perhaps, the Capitol will learn to appreciate its first female Peacekeeper. But make no mistake, Y/L/N, gratitude is a rare commodity here."

As you left Snow's office, the air hung with unspoken tension. The mission was more than just a task; it was a gambit in the high-stakes game of Capitol politics. As you prepared for the night's clandestine dance, you couldn't shake the feeling that your role in this twisted symphony was far from over.

* * *

The evening arrived with the decadence the Capitol was renowned for. The gala, a kaleidoscope of vibrant colours and glittering masks, unfolded in a grand hall adorned with cascading crystal chandeliers. You were dressed like you belonged to these people, too. It was an undercover test, one that made you rethink all the choices you made in life.

You moved through the crowd with an air of controlled elegance, your gaze scanning the masked faces for any hint of the clandestine exchange Snow had tasked you with overseeing. The ballroom was alive with laughter and music, the rhythm of the Capitol's excess pulsating through the air.

In the midst of the festivities, you caught sight of Snow, his immaculate attire and cold demeanour blending seamlessly with the extravagant backdrop. He observed you from a distance, his gaze calculating, a silent reminder of the strings that bound you to this dance of shadows.

The mission unfolded with intricate precision. You manoeuvred through the sea of elaborate gowns and tailored suits, eavesdropping on conversations, searching for the subtle cues that would lead you to the information Snow sought. The air was thick with intrigue, and every masked face held a potential informant.

As the night wore on, the tension heightened. You sensed eyes on you, whispers trailing in your wake. The Capitolites, always hungry for drama, speculated on the purpose behind your presence at the gala, you were an outsider, and people sensed it. Yet, beneath the surface, a subtle energy simmered between you and Snow, a connection forged in the crucible of secrets and power.

In a secluded alcove, you found the nexus of the clandestine exchange. Two figures engaged in whispered conversation, their voices masked by the cacophony of the gala. It was a delicate dance, ensuring the transfer of information went unnoticed. You hovered in the shadows, the weight of the Capitol's expectations resting on your shoulders.

As the exchange concluded, you discreetly slipped away, the stolen secrets secured. The mission accomplished, yet the enigmatic dance with Snow remained unfinished.

In the aftermath of the gala, Snow approached you, his gaze lingering on yours. "Impressive, Y/L/N," he remarked, a rare note of approval in his voice. "Perhaps there's more to you than meets the eye."

You met his gaze with a steely resolve, your disdain for the man momentarily masked by the intricate dance of politics. "This doesn't change anything, Snow. I'm not your pawn."

A flicker of something crossed his eyes, a blend of irritation and fascination.

The tension between you and Snow lingered, a charged silence that spoke of unspoken truths. In the dimly lit corridor, away from the prying eyes of the gala, the air crackled with a magnetic force neither of you could deny.

Snow's gaze held yours, the mask of indifference momentarily slipping. "No, Y/L/N, you're not just a pawn," he conceded, his voice a low murmur that resonated in the quiet corridor. "But you are a player in this game, whether you like it or not."

You tilted your head, meeting his intense gaze with a mixture of defiance and curiosity. The complexities of the Capitol's power dynamics unfolded in the unspoken language between you two.

He took a step closer, the distance between you shrinking. "There's an art to this, an art you're only just beginning to understand."

A wry smile played on your lips. "I'm not here for your lessons, Snow. I have my own agenda."

His eyes glinted with a challenge. "And what agenda might that be, Y/L/N?"

A heartbeat passed, filled with the weight of unspoken desires and calculated risks. "Survival," you replied, the word heavy with layers of meaning.

The dance continued, each step a subtle negotiation of power and attraction. The atmosphere shifted, the animosity that once defined your interactions evolving into something more complex. In the midst of the Capitol's grandeur, a dangerous undercurrent of desire pulsed beneath the surface.

Snow's fingers brushed lightly against yours, a fleeting touch that sent shivers down your spine. "Survival, then," he murmured, his gaze never leaving yours.

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