The remedy

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Rosie's POV

"Good morning Rosie, what do i owe the honor of thy visit?"

Said Zestial in a raspy, but calm voice

"Good morning to you Zestial, i am here to talk"

"Why, of course! T'would be best if we discus in the house, crows tend to become rather ravenous in this hour in the morning"

Rosie took a step inside, following the spider demon into his large house. The house itself was rather fancy in decorations, the rooms were large and tall, with few light sources that most of the time were just candles, emanating a greenish light, it was hard to see even tho the sun had been out for some hours now, the curtains were closed, if this told Rosie one thing is that Zestial does not like bright lights, he rather dwells in darkness in his large house with many rooms and secrets that probably will never see the light of day. 

As far as furniture and decorations Zestial seemed to be more on the expensive stuff, elegant tables and chairs could be seen past the entrance, many paintings on the wall depicted landscapes of hellish nature, Rosie's guess was that they probably were the other rings, to which Zestial would have no chance at seeing since sinners can't leave the pride ring, no doubt he had the best hellborn artist paint them so he could have all of Hell in his sight. There were also some statues depicting demonic forms Rosie wasn't able to recognize, perhaps they were statues depicting ancient demons, the first to ever arrive in hell now long gone thanks to the exterminations, or perhaps they were just figures of fantasy, with not rooted in any specific being, Rosie did not know nor care to know the answer, she was here to talk business.

They arrived at Zestial's dining area, a long table was placed at the center of the room, above it on the ceiling hung a chandelier, with the usual green candles on it, this was a room that Rosie knew well, as sometimes some overlord meetings were organized here, tho they were generally preferred to be in a neutral area, nonetheless it was a pleasing area to be if one could ignore the almost total darkness of the place.

One thing Rosie noticed was that altho Zestial's house was not dusty at all, suggesting that it was kept clean quite often, there were still many spider webs in the corners of the rooms, with demonic looking spiders who would retract in their coves when noticed, waiting their opportunity to strike, no doubt hundreds of those lived in the walls, but that seemed to not bother Zestial at all, he probably enjoyed having the little critters around, aside from the fact that Zestial was part spider himself, they were also a way to keep the house clean from other pests, Rosie didn't mind the company of the little crawlers, she liked spiders.

"I was enjoyng a nice cup of tea, would thous care to join me?"

As far as creepy Zestial was, he was really polite with everyone

"I would love to!"

Rosie knew what she was about to ask Zestial was a big favor, and he was more negotiable after a cup of tea.

They sat at the table and Zestial had some of his shadow minions to go in the kitchen and brew them some tea, in the meantime they began to discuss.

"So, what would thou like to discus Rosie, i assume it is of personal matter, as thou could had asked me when we met at the meeting"

"Oh this is about something that happened after our last meeting, on the topic of that i wanted to say that i don't know how you can keep your patience even with such a brat as Velvette, who does she think she is anyway?"

Rosie wanted to make some small talk to ease Zestial a bit, and what happened with Velvette last meeting seemed an ok topic to start.

"He he, i blame the current age for how this children behave, but when thou live for hundreds of years like me thou tend to let such foolish displays of immaturity slide"

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