"Well, uh, what kind of movie is it?"

"It's..." his face scrunched. "...I don't know. I guess it's supposed to be a romantic comedy type of thing. I don't know how to describe it."

"So it was funny?"

Another scrunch. "I laughed a bit."

"A bit."

"There's a part where someone reveals their crush to someone else and it's kind of a big deal. It's, like, the climax of the whole thing. I thought it was funny."

"Oh." I kept watching his face to see if he would give me any hints as to what else he was feeling besides annoyance at my continued questions. Still too bad for him that I had now had one more. "Would you find it funny if he revealed his crush on you?"

"No." He said, but I didn't hear any anger in his voice. "I don't think funny is the right word."

"What is the right word then?" I leaned into him as we turned into the school lot and stuck my tongue back out at him. "Did reading his script make you catch feelings?"

He huffed, then smiled. "Can we talk about this later?"

"Why? Did I hit a nerve? I did, didn't I? You are smiling."

"I am, but not cause of that. And, uh, later because I think you're about to be busy." He pointed out through his windshield.

Montana's car was parked at the end of a row, with an empty space next to her that Alex was now pulling into. Montana herself was standing up on her seat and sitting against the T-top of her roof, her gaze following us as we parked.

"Charley!" I heard her yell before I even had my seat belt off.

"Sounds like she's in a mood." Alex said as he opened his door and peered up at his cousin. "Hi, Montana."

"Tell your girlfriend I need her." She said. "Charley!" My entire body shook as I ripped myself free and practically kicked my door open. Is she trying to screw with me? She sure is getting a lot of use of calling me 'Charley' all the time. If she knew I was down on sleep, I doubt she'd be playing these games. Then again, if she knew why I was down on sleep there probably wouldn't be any games to play in the first place.

"What do you want, buttercup?" I called back.

This got me a small sneer in return. "I need you."

Play it cool, Charlotte. Play. It. Cool. "For what?"

"Stuart's too busy working." She gestured toward the school. Alex immediately looked. I did not. "Weather's looking good today so I was going to go to the park. You said you'd be my camera operator."


"I'll pick you up at four. How's that?"


"I'd let you ride with us, but I'm not sticking Stu in the back seat. He wouldn't fit." The sneer shifted into a grin. "And you should probably change before I show up, anyway."

"Change? Why? What's wrong with what I'm wearing?" I had on denim shorts and a t-shirt.

She hopped over the door and dropped to the ground. "You're showing way too much skin. Guys'll stare. Don't you have capris? Those would be nice. And something with sleeves?"

"I'll do my best." I said while trying not to think about the fact that she just said that I'm both underdressed and that she likes some pants I own. "You really think I'll get stared at?"

"You?" She tilted her head back and once more mimed her head exploding. "Of course. Skate parks ain't exactly known for tiny, precious little beauty queens. You're going to stick out in the crowd. Don't worry, though. I'll protect you."

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