Five (Alex)

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"Did we really just agree to that?"

"Agree to what?"

Charlotte hadn't seemed like she was paying full attention to much of anything during lunch, but I didn't think she was that far gone.

"I guess it's a good thing you like her." I said as we pushed deeper into the throngs spreading away from the cafeteria. "We're going to the skate park with them after school."

Charlotte's mouth dropped and her footsteps stuttered. I was glad she didn't stop or both of us might have been trampled. "We're doing what?"

"Montana kept complaining about Stuart's clumsiness with her expensive camera equipment. She asked if I would be willing to help her. She said that she trusted me because she knew if I messed something up I'd have both our moms after me. You really don't remember? You almost jumped into my lap begging to come along."

"I remember no lap jumping." She said, but her facial expression wavered and I could tell she was trying to remember what had happened. "No way did I do that."

"Fine. You didn't. But you did make it very clear that she wasn't getting my help without your help."

"Now that sounds like something I would have said."

"Montana thought it was stupid that you'd even ask. She made a joke about not wanting to break up such a cute couple and that she'd never ask me to do something without expecting you to also be there."

"Of course she did."

"You did look a little out of it in there. What were you thinking about?"

"Nothing." She glared at me, then made maybe too much of a show in looking away and not looking back. "Nothing at all."

"You can just say you were thinking about her. It's fine." I leaned in next to her ear and whispered. "I'm sure Stuart was thinking about me."

"And you're okay with that?"

"All of my current options for stopping him would probably get me suspended, expelled, arrested, or some combination of the three."

I had tried to pay attention to how he was acting during lunch. Sure he had physically threatened both Gina and Randy, but honestly I should have done the same thing. Montana is my cousin, after all. I'm just don't have the attributes he has to suddenly make myself look like a potential problem.

Because he has always been her friend and neighbor, that also meant he was somewhat off limits to me trying to make any connection with him. I wouldn't have wanted her thinking that I was trying to steal her friend away. I know I would have been upset if she would have attempted to weasel her way into my friendship with Charlotte.

Weird how that's worked out.

Stuart didn't stare at me. He definitely didn't try anything flirty. I don't know how I would have handled that. He just sat there, occasionally protesting his innocence any time Montana mentioned how clumsy and awkward he could be.

What I did notice, and I felt a pinch at the base of my spine every time it happened, was how often he messed with his hair. He was constantly fidgeting with it. First he'd push it out of his eyes, then he'd let if fall back, then it would be pulled over his ears, then he'd shake it loose. There were times I saw him just wrapping a lock of it up around his finger as he massaged at his temple.

I'm not saying I wanted to pet at it like the fur on a golden retriever, but after Montana had referred to him repeatedly as some kind of puppy, the thought did cross my mind. Given how he attacked toward Gina, he'd probably start kicking his leg and panting.

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