Ok so...problem😒😭

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Alllllrighty! Where to begin?! Honestly, miss this every day and watching new people find this book series and what it is makes everything I've done so worth it. It's been worth it. I honestly think without this book, I wouldn't have the amazing friends and support I have now. Thank you all, honestly. From the bottom of my heart. It was honestly all of you who got me my motivation back. You're all amazing! 💚

Ok...now onto the first order of business.

I know I said I would start to update again, and I mean to. I have. I've been working on other things in the meantime because that's all I can actually do. I've had things going on and I have been VERY busy with school, but I will not let that be an excuse because it isn't one. I am very committed to the world I have built, and it cannot go on until I put my hands to the keyboard and write. The problem is, I can't do that at the moment and here is why:

1.)      My phone...is broken. 🥲🥲🥲 So, what's happening is that the screen stops working and I have to use Siri to do things and he can only do so much. Unfortunately, writing my book is not one of those things. What's happening is that my screen will get all weird and my phone will start doing things on its own. Snapping people, texting people, calling people, facetiming them, opening different apps, taking me out my other ones, searching random things, not letting me into my phone, not putting in the digits to my passcode when I press them, not actually pressing the passcode digits when I hit them, freezing, lowering my brightness, messing with my volume, and alllllll sorts of other things. I really need a new phone because that is where I do most of my stuff and I don't exactly know what I'm doing on my computer since it's new and I've never had a personal one before Christmas. Anyway, at least I have a way to update at all. My parents and I are working on getting me a new phone, but that is going to take a while. In the time that takes, I am going to try to do things on my laptop. 

2.)      Ok. 🙂So, there's this girl at my school who I would prefer I was not friends with, but i just can't get her to understand that I don't want to be her friend. Mainly because she's pushy and just not a nice person in general. 

This girl, who I will leave unnamed, has a very vital thing I absolutely NEED to write these chapters...and that is my journals. I write the chapters down in my journals, so I have something to remember them by. Also, I like writing in general and it's a good way to pass time. These journals are my life. They actually mean everything to me because they hold the very original work of all my stories. When I write them down and transfer them to the computer, there are usually a lot of things that change in that transfer. Thinks like story elements, plot shifts, foreshadowing, recurring events, hinting, things like that are all repositioned or taken out or some things are even thrown in. That's the stuff you all see and read. The stuff in my journals is usually different and has different dialogue and sometimes goes in a completely different direction than what I give to you guys. The chapters go through quite the transformation from paper to screen.

My journals hold all of that work. They are my pride, my life, my everything and I need them to write. I really do, as silly as it may seem. One day, I gave this girl my journals because she is obsessed with reading everything I write, so I gave them to her. She took them home to read them and I have not gotten them back. This was months ago...I am fed up with it. The reason I haven't updated on my computer was because I've started the new chapter already and it's written down. But guess where? 

Ding! Ding! Ding!

I'm going to assume you said my journal.

This is so important because I cannot, for the life of me, remember the dialogue I had between two of the characters (not revealing who) and it is something I want really bad in this chapter because it makes up literally the entire plot of the first book... Anyway, I really need everything I've already written down because almost the entire chapter and I refuse to rewrite it because what I have already is actually some of my favorite things.

I have been asking this girl to bring me back my journals for a very long time now and every time she shows up to school empty handed, I ask where they are. Each time, it's the same excuse. "I'm sorry," she says, "I forgot them," she also says, and "I'll bring them next time." Which btw, she doesn't. 

It's very frustrating because in the beginning I said it was ok. I knew it wasn't, but whatever, it was only a couple times. She's been having these journals for months now and I can't seem to get her to bring them back. I snap her at night to leave them by her bed, so she doesn't forget them. I snap her in the morning at a time I know is before she wakes up. And she always looks at her phone and messages when she wakes up. That's the first thing she does, every morning. Earlier, when I saw she didn't have them. Again. she started telling how sorry she was and that she would remember for Monday. I stopped her and said that if she didn't have all five of them next week to give to me, I was going to report her for theft because that's what this is. Basically, if she doesn't give them back and I report her, they contact her parents, who I know will very much not like this. (Her father is a cop😊) She said she would for sure have them next week and if she doesn't, I am going to keep true to my word. I am done being nice to her and I'm sick of the constant, "I forgot them." I honestly think she lost them and just not telling me and if that happened, I'm actually gonna cry so hard. I've worked very hard on these journals, and they start back to before I was even on Wattpad. 

I just really want my journals back man😞🤧

Anyway, if you have been wondering, those are the explanations as to why I have not updated in so long. I am very sorry for that. I would love to, I have just had a few things going on, as you can see, and this isn't even all of it. Updating is on my list of things to do, I promise. And I will definitely get to it at some point. I am very sorry for getting everyone's hopes up when I said I would be updating soon, even though I have not. Please forgive me. 

Also...if anyone has any story suggestions that you might want to happen or theories to what could happen, I would love to hear those because I have a feeling I'm going to be a little blocked pretty soon. 

Thank you very much to the people that ready this and I appreciate you all so so so so so much! Have a good day/night! 💚

A God and a RomanoffOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora