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So, um...it's been a while. Like a long while. 

And I wanna say that I am REALLY REALLY REALLY really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really sorry for that.

One of my few resolutions this year is to write WAY more often than I did last year. This, along with all of my other stories at the moment, is a commitment that I am going to stick to for as long as I can. I truly want to continue what I have created so far in this story, and I want these characters to have their happy ending so badly, why can't the story just write it's self tbh? I am currently editing the prior chapter, so if you see me update or "publish" it, that means I am editing and changing or adding a few things. I will definitely try to make the chapters much shorter than they have been, unless you guys want them to be longer like how they are...idk please tell me. 

But uh. Yeah. That's pretty much it. If there are any questions you have, you can private message me, ask them on my like public messages/announcement's thing on my profile, or ask them here. Whatever you want.  

Happy New Year everyone! 

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