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Today I was going to meet the cast of Percy Jackson. I already had most of their numbers and had conversations with them, but I was still nervous to meet them in person.

I was in the car, listening to music for the thirty minute drive to the studio.

I'd already gotten permission to come to set from Rick Riordan and the directors.

Dude Walker's gonna freak when he sees you

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Dude Walker's gonna freak when he sees you.

He's already talking abt how sad he is you're 'out of town'

Really? I'm like 10 minutes away.

I'm lowkey hella nervous

Don't be, everybody's super excited to meet you and we already love you.

Meeting you is only gonna make us like you more.

Aww stop that's so sweet.

Bro what if I start tweakin when I see Charlie?!
Like what if I bark or smt.



Do you js randomly bark at people?

No not usually.



I finally arrived on set, my heart was pounding as I walked through the doors.

"Hey, Olive." Rick greeted me and shook my hand. "It's very nice to meet you, the cast is in the break room down the hall."

"It's very nice to meet you as well. Thank you, and I really appreciate you allowing me to visit today."

"Of course, I'll see you later." He walked off.

"Hey, does anybody know where the restroom is?" I asked, walking into the break room.

Everybody's faces lit up as I walked closer to where they were.

"Olive, dude, what are you doing here!?" Walker asked very excitedly as he ran up to hug me.

He was about 5 inches taller than me so I had to stand on my tippy toes to hug him back, which was a little embarrassing, but I didn't really care.

After a little too long of a hug, I met everybody.

"Oh my gosh! You're so much prettier in real life." Dior hugged me, it was one of those hugs where it makes everything better. And she smelt really good.

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⏰ Last updated: May 09 ⏰

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