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"He just left her?" I cried to Momona on the phone as we watched five feet apart together.

"It gets me every time."

"I can't breathe." I choked out.

"What. The. Fuck." She asked after the credits rolled.

"I think I would die if I were her. Like how could he do that?" We talked as I turned off the movie and wiped my face.

"No seriously, what kind of ending is that!"

"Like I get they could die but still."

"Ahh I'm gonna start crying again, stop."

"Okay change the topic."

"Okay, what are your plans for the day?"

"Oh, I don't know. I think Dylan said he wants to hangout or smt."

"Nice." She said blandly.

"Why do you sound like that?"

"I'm a proud Wolive stan."

"What does that even mean?" I questioned.

"You and Walker are endgame, and I don't want Dylan getting in the way of that."

"1. Walker and I are just friends 2. Dylan and I are just friends."

"If you say so."

"Dude, everyone keeps saying that and honestly it's gonna ruin everything between him and I because I'm sick of hearing it." I sighed, I was frustrated, but not with Momona and she knew that.

"Do you think it's because you do like him and it puts too much pressure on you?"

"I don't think I like him. I mean, he's just one of my best friends, I like his personality, his eyes, his laugh, and when he smiles it's like nothing else mat- oh my God." I put my head down.

"You like Walker Scobell."

"I like Walker Scobell."

My doorbell rang and I quickly got up to answer it. I had changed out of my pjs and gotten ready to hangout with Dylan.

"Hey, Dylan."

"Hi, Ollie." We did our made up handshake.

Dylan and I have been friends for a few years, we met through being mutual friends with Sunny.

We weren't super close, but we always had a great time together.

"So I was thinking we could just walk around town and maybe get something to eat?" He proposed.

"Sounds great." And with that, we left.

"Okay, that's just not possible." I laughed.

"No, it's definitely possible."

"I don't believe someone thought you were attractive." I put my hands up in confusion. "Especially not Scarlett Estevez."

"I couldn't believe it either, dude."

"That cafe looks so cute, Dyl, let's go." I grabbed his hand and took him across the street.

"Hi, can I get a vanilla latte, please?"

"Of course, and for you?"

"Uhm..I'll have whatever she's having." He smiled, pulling out his wallet.

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