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Khalil, a 24-year-old man originally from Broward County, Florida, spent half of his life there before embarking on travels. After exploring various places, he ultimately chose to settle down in Oregon. With its coastal location and proximity to California and Las Vegas, he deemed it an ideal destination for partying.

During his upbringing, Khalil's social circle was limited primarily to his parents and siblings, partly due to circumstances beyond his control. However, at the age of 13, he began to form a closer bond with his cousin, Jah.

Their relationship blossomed further following Khalil's mother's passing, leading him to reside with his aunt until he achieved financial independence. Despite their closeness, Khalil was often reticent, making communication with him a rare occurrence.

" I'm cashing out $1200, what about you?" Jah inquired, but Khalil showed little enthusiasm for heading to Vegas this year. Feeling bored with life, Khalil seemed stuck in a rut— Jah believed a trip to Vegas would be the perfect remedy to lift his spirits and rejuvenate his mindset.

"Only $1200?" Khalil chuckled and shrugged. "What? I'm supposed to drop 6 grand on some girl carrying bottles? I ain't paying no hoe tuition tonight," Jah argued. Despite their frequent arguments, arguing served as their primary form of affection. Even amidst Khalil's name-calling and Jah's retorts, they both understood it was nothing but love.

It was the end of August, with temperatures still soaring and the anticipation of school looming for many. Khalil also cashed out his $1200, and they made their way back to Jah's car, heading straight to the airport.

The flight lasted only two hours, though Khalil, feeling weary, would have preferred to drive if he weren't so exhausted. Nonetheless, he found solace in the sightseeing during the journey, particularly enjoying the familiar yet captivating view of the desert landscape.

After a quick 10-minute check-in process, they aimed to arrive around 6 p.m., allowing ample time for dinner before hitting the club. Once comfortably settled on the plane, Khalil plugged in his headphones, enjoying a few songs before delving into his playlist. Meanwhile, Jah had already dozed off, prompting Khalil to close the window cover and follow suit, drifting off to sleep himself.

"Vegas hoes don't be on no timing though. I'm telling you, Atlanta and Houston," Khalil remarked with a hum. They took pre-shots before heading inside. Khalil was known to be a heavy drinker, a fact that almost everyone who dealt with him was aware of.

He only set limits for himself when he felt like it— Khalil was ultimately in control of his own actions. Jah had learned to cope with this, even if it meant keeping a watchful eye on Khalil to prevent any reckless behavior.

Jah, being just a week younger than Khalil, had an impact on their relationship during their childhood. Even now, Khalil occasionally teased Jah about being older by a mere seven days.

As they walked in, they were greeted with more bottles, shots, and women. Khalil couldn't help but grin at each one, but one in particular caught his eye. She held a smile on her face as the two men passed by.

"Bugging, I know that girl," Khalil commented once they reached their VIP section. Stokeley was one of Khalil's closest friends, and though they didn't see each other often anymore, when they did, it was like they had never been apart. "Why your little prissy ass come sit down and not talk to a nigga?" Stoke laughed.

A smile spread across Khalil's face as he got up and hugged Stoke. They shared a moment, catching up on practically everything, before the girls returned with more drinks.

"I mean, my head ain't consumed by the bitch, you know?" Khalil told Stoke as the girl approached their section. She tripped over a few things, obviously embarrassed, but Jah helped her before Khalil could even react.

"Hey, don't even think about it," Stokeley mumbled, tapping Khalil. Khalil looked at the girl and stared, but she was too engrossed in conversation with Jah to notice him. She set the last two bottles down, thanked him once more, and then left.

The atmosphere shifted, with Jah feeling uncomfortable and Khalil growing angry. Stokeley seemed oblivious to this change as he
looked at the two, shaking his head before pulling Khalil away. "I want you to meet my producer." Stokeley shouted over the music, attempting to shake off the tension but failing.

He took a moment before taking a seat and engaging in conversation with the guy. Throughout the exchange, everyone in the area could sense Khalil's disinterest through his remarks and gestures. It eventually reached a point where Scheme, the manager, simply fell silent.

Stokeley attempted to excuse Khalil's behavior, explaining that he was simply drunk and careless. "Nah, I get it. He's drunk, I'm talking, it's fine," Scheme assured. Stokeley nodded and went to grab Khalil, but he had already disappeared. Searching around, Stokeley spotted him talking to the girl.

"I'm sorry?" She stared at Khalil, puzzled. He glanced back at Jah before responding, "I asked, would you fuck him?" He swallowed hard, his jaw clenched with a mix of drunkenness, confusion, and anger. The girl slowly shook her head, still confused by his stare. Sensing no immediate threat, she waited for him to continue.

She took a small step back from him before he spoke again. "I think you're pretty. I don't know how to come off all sweet and stuff," he slurred, his words becoming heavier. He felt himself getting nauseous immediately.

"Thank you. You don't look okay," she laughed, guiding him to sit down on one of the bar stools. She ordered him a glass of water and sat next to him while he sipped it. "Girl, you can't babysit every nigga that comes in here," her friend shook her head, but Khalil lifted his head from the table and stared at her and her friend.

She laughed and followed behind her friend. "Why did you say that?" was the last thing Khalil heard from the girl as her voice faded into the crowd. He could feel a rush of embarrassment and anger washing over him, as if she had played him. With a sense of frustration, he left the bar and exited the club.

With anger towards his cousin simmering inside him, Khalil didn't care whether he made it home or not. He decided to gamble away the rest of his money, spending the entire night ignoring his family's calls and texts. Eventually, he secured himself a hotel room and went to bed, still upset with what happened earlier.

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