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Three days of Liza at the ICU but I still couldn't tell Michael about the letter. Especially not when Blake swore that whoever was involved with it would die and he wouldn't care who it was. I did not want to be both on Blake's and Jordan's bad side. I took a deep breathe as we entered the mansion. Michael closed the door but he hesitated.

"What is wrong dad?" Asked Blake. Michael stared out the window as Jacob went to stand beside him.

"I...I think I saw some movement in the bushes!" He said panting out the words. My heart stopped. Was Jordan here to take me? I tried to breathe normally as Jacob kissed his lover's forehead and reassured him.

"Am sure its one of the guards honey." Said Jacob. Dad turned to him immediately his eyes wide and his chest rising and falling in a disorganized sync I almost thought he was hyperventilating.

"That's the thing babe, I gave them leave since we were mostly at the hospital." He shot back. Now we all panicked, me knowing more about it that any of them.

That's when we heard it, gunshots at the backyard and I visibly saw everyone tense up and once again, fear shot through me just as I heard the sound of glass shatter.

"Daniel, take Arnold, Chris and Cain to the safe room. Blake open the weapon room now! Ben, turn on the house security system." Michael barked orders. Before I got a chance to protest, Daniel was dragging us down the empty hallways. Chris and Cain also kept complaining about how they had enough knowledge to be let to fight. Daniel punched in the code of the safe room and told us to wait in there. He left us and we sat in the room not hearing a single thing outside. My nerves wrecked and I felt drained. I looked at Chris and Cain and they did not seem happy either. Cain sighed and groaned.

"I can't believe this stupid guys chose today of all days to attack! I have a game in four days and dad will clearly not let us out of the house now." He groaned. I felt guilty for all of it.

Suddenly a voice sounded in the PA.

"Cain...Chris...get weapons now! We are outnumbered! Call for back up." It was Blake. Cain reached for the phone at the table next to us and dialed a number. After talking to someone on the other end who I assumed was part of the mafia, he pressed a button on the wall and the wall flipped, showing weapons lined up, they picked guns and were about to leave me in there but I stopped them.

"If you dare leave me here I will escape, I know the code!".I told them and we all left heading down the hallways. We couldn't spot the rest but we heard gunshots on our right. If we could get them unexpected, it seemed like they weren't many in the kitchen. It was only then that we heard a scream. I was pretty sure, that voice was Marcus, clearly Chris knew it too because all our plans went to the bin as he rushed into the kitchen making me sign as the gunshots stopped and it seemed suddenly the people in side realized they had company. Cain however heard a grunt from the library and was convinced it was Blake so he rushed off to the direction of the library, which left only me to cover for Chris. I shot down the first guy I saw who was wearing all black and I could hear Chris shooting down some guys. Everyone who came out side the kitchen was shot by me and soon, I think we had eliminated them all. I rushed to the kitchen to see Chris holding a bleeding Marcus and trying yo stop the bleeding. Clearly, his thigh took the shot.

I hadn't even taken a breathe when I heard a shot, before I could react, I felt a sharp pain on my side.

"Chris, leave, now!" I screamed. Chris looked up to see the attacker but did not move. I shot the guy only for two more to enter.

"But Marcus is hurt!" Chris countered.

"Carry him! Just leave now! I'll stall them." I said shooting at the two as more entered.

"I can't, he will lose more blood." Chris defended. My side was now hurting like a bitch and I felt like I was loosing a lot of blood. I pressed on my side to prevent more blood loss and shot the attackers who kept coming while covering Chris and Marcus.

"Chris! Shit! I can't hold them off anymore, please just get him out of here." I said feeling so weak. Chris must have finally noticed I had been shot because he supported his boyfriend and helped him out towards the garage. Cain came in and helped me finish off the rest of the guys. He told me the others were safe and waiting for us in the car. When Cain found out I was shot, he supported me as we headed towards the hidden garage. I could see dead bodies of the attackers everywhere and it made me wonder just how much influence Martha my mother and Jordan had because I was sure as hell they were behind this. I winced when the pain became unbearable. I almost stumbled but Cain held me up.

"Gaddamit Arnold! Hold on for a second will you!" He shouted frustrated and I had a feeling it had to do with the attack. I just couldn't hold on much longer, I was in extreme pain. He let me fall and just as he was about to shout at me,Blake emerged and gave him a stern glare as he immediately scooped me up princess style and led me to the awaiting SUV. I could see the rest boarded different vehicles and I knew we were headed to the mafia hospital for treatment. As soon as I was in the back seat,struggling to Breathe and black dots starting to cover my eyes, my phone vibrated from my front pocket. I took it out and stared at the notification wincing as I finally let darkness take over me.

Strike two Arnold.....come back home!!!!

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