What if: Nigga Series is a Thriller Horror

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What if is a special episode about some what ifs and my delusions.

(Comment down if you want to recommend a what if)

Marrying Wither was the best thing to happen in my whole racist life. We immediately decided to buy our dream farm and hire our dream slaves.  They are all black but my husband seemed to be too excited about it but i just shove it off. The farm started off great but one day I went away for 3 days to visit my sister.

When i came back, wither is still normal and misses me very much. I looked at the slaves, their eyes and smiles are wide but their expressions are not normal and they do not blink. Maybe they're tired? Half of them are still in a good condition though.

That midnight, i woke up and discovered. Withered is being fcked by the slaves and they look traumatized but cannot scream and wither's eyes are bloody red and looked at my direction. Thank me, i ran away as soon as possible and pretended to sleep. That morning i pretend to be okay but days went by and i got used to it. Might even think to KILL HIM. The production is great but the whole slaves' smiles are so wide now. I'm glad they're happy. But i was shocked when a black dude my age wants to apply and work and his name is Macy. I rejected because WITHER IS ONLY MINE. But he insisted too much for his sister's medication. I still have empathy so i just let him. I just warned to act HAPPY ALL THE TIME. He did because other slaves does and does not suspect a thing. I want Macy out of this farm but he still went to the barn and working. This nitwit even had the audacity to flirt with me. Sending me flowers everyday, making little things. I still refuse, MY LOYALTY FOR WITHER IS UNDYING. One evening, wither looking insane like craving for men. His eyes are all black and bloody. He is so pretty. It's been a month since he tasted BBC like a fresh one. While he's sleeping, i sneaked to the barn to kick Macy out. I explained everything and he is extremely terrified but i can hear wither's humming and his presence closer and closer. We immediately ran into the woods but wither is so insane that he managed to be almost catching us.

"I LOVE YOU WITHER AND I HAVE TO DO THIS". I whispered to the breezy air and stabbed him directly to the heart 69 times. Blood is everywhere. I fell into tears and kissed him one more time. I dragged him back to our little home in the farm and slept while cuddling. Macy? He escaped to the road but was hit by the truck i was driving. NOW HE CAN'T TAKE WITHER AWAY FROM ME. I took his internal organs and cooked it for the slaves breakfast, their smiles are so much wider now. They must have enjoyed the meal.

My life is finally happy and perfect. I brought wither's corpse to the sunflower field where the sun sets and we watched it together. We kissed under the tree we planted when we were young. ATLEAST YOU'RE ONLY MINE NOW! ALL MINE, MY DEAR NIGGA.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 15 ⏰

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