It Ends With Chaos

Start bij het begin

"Bebe never fails to make me perfect," I said with a smile as he planted a kiss on my cheek.

"You never needed Bebe's help to look perfect," he whispered as he pulled back. Even after all these months together, he never failed to make me blush.

"Ah shit, hang on," Kenny said, taking a step back. "I have a birthday present for you, give me a few minutes."

I raised my eyebrows and smiled, intrigued. "Oooh, I'm excited. I'll be waiting in the car."

He flashed his crooked smile and headed back to his room, making my heart skip a beat. I waved to his family and headed back towards my car. I opened the driver door to hop back in, and out of nowhere, I was grabbed from behind, the foul stench of alcohol, peroxide, and bleach filling my mouth and nose. My eyes rolled back as I threw my elbow behind me, trying to fight, but I quickly lost consciousness.


I opened my eyes and tried to take a breath, but my mouth was covered with duct tape. I couldn't see anything but a few speckles of light, but after a moment, I was able to ascertain that I was inside of a moving vehicle. My heart rate spiked, and adrenaline began pumping through my body.

Don't panic, think clearly.

I took a deep breath through my nose, the odor of chloroform still lingering.

As my eyes adjusted to the darkness, my heart pounding, I figured out that I was in the back of a van. My hands and feet were bound together, and I avoided any sudden movements in order to buy myself more time before my captors figured out that I was awake.

Why do all of my birthdays have to suck? ...No, shut up, you have bigger problems.

I pushed down my self pity and looked around for anything that could help me. The only object I could see was a bottle jack, which was utterly useless.

I felt my car keys digging into my hip inside my pocket, and a pit formed in my stomach as I realized what I would have to do to get myself out of this.

My breath hitched in my throat as the driver of the van spoke. "We have y/n. We'll go back for the McCormick boy once she's at the altar. We couldn't get both of them like we planned."

Mr. Adler. The plan.

I felt an instant, gut-wrenching wave of regret start to drown me.

There was a plan. And I ignored the only warning sign I got.

I twisted myself as silently as I could, pulling my keys out of my pocket and avoiding jingling them at all costs. I fumbled with my key ring between two fingers, until I felt the ribbed edge of the Swiss army knife keychain my dad gave to me on the night we got my Mustang running. I flipped the switch for the blade, and without another moment of hesitation, I jammed the point of the knife into the left side of my neck, severing my carotid artery.

I couldn't hold back from screaming as I dug the blade into my neck before dropping it onto the floor of the van. The van came to a screeching halt, and the passenger jumped out, ripping open the side door of the van.

"Jesus Christ, Richard, she stabbed herself!"

The robed man ripped the tape off my mouth as blood poured from the gaping wound in my neck. He wrapped his hand around my throat in an attempt to stop the bleeding, and with the last bit of my strength, I dug my nails into his wrist. He cursed and jumped back, long enough for my blood pressure to plummet and for me to lose consciousness again.


I jumped for joy as I woke up on the Plateau. I was free!

Then it hit me.

To Hell and Back - Kenny x ReaderWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu