Chapter 4 : I'm Fine, Not Really.

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"Can we talk?" Haruna asked.

His heart pumped in anxiousness, hoping to not get himself distanced again. "Oh sure! What's up?" Miles scooted himself to a corner of his bed, patting his hand on an empty spot on for Haruna to sit on.

Haruna exhaled in relief as he strut to his bed, climbing on top and sitting with his legs crossed. He held his own hands tightly, before looking into Miles' eyes.

Eyebags. His eyes look smaller than usual and more red. Had he been crying? Did he get enough sleep? The fact Miles was not doing well and it was so obvious up close made Haruna even more worried for the Callisto.

'It's okay, go for it. He'll open up. Hopefully.' He took a deep breath before he started to speak.

"Are you okay?"

Miles raised an eyebrow at his question. Haruna looked away from him, with a worried expression plastered across his face. "What do you mean? I'm alright!"

"No, that's not it. Have you looked at yourself in the mirror? You look like you barely slept. You have eyebags, your eyes are red and puffy, and you're distancing yourself from us!" Haruna wanted to scream at him for not taking care of himself, but he didn't. Miles was taken aback by his statement, and caressed a finger under his eye.

"Is there something you want to talk about? What's happening to you?" Haruna placed a hand on his shoulder. "Please don't take this the wrong way, I'm not suspecting you of anything. I'm just worried about you."

'Shit, so he saw right through me?' Miles thought to himself. He stared at Haruna for a moment. It wasn't before long before Miles broke the silence to decrease suspicion.

"You're probably overreacting. I'm fine, Haruna. I maybe just need to sleep more, that's all." Miles tried to force a genuine smile at Haruna, which of course, he didn't buy.

"Are you sure? I'm always here if you need me." Haruna looked down again. Why wasn't he opening up? Even if he was telling the truth, Miles wouldn't phrase it so simply.

"I said I'm fine, Haruna." Suddenly Miles felt a boiling anger spread within him. With Haruna, he was never mad. Or upset.

What's getting him so pissed off?

Haruna sighed in dissapointment. "I don't know..I'm just worried about you- are you really, really sure, you're oka-"


Haruna jolted at Miles' sudden outburst.  Was he mad? For getting confronted? Haruna tried to remain cool and chill, and tried to apologize.

"Hey- I'm sorry, I didn't mean to force it out of you!" Haruna exclaimed, panicking internally hoping Miles would calm down even just for a bit.

"Well congrats, you failed to force it out of me. I'm fine, damn it. Mind your business." Miles scoffed, his eyes trailing to the side, not looking at Haruna.

"Okay what the fuck? I apologized, don't get so upset." Now it was Haruna's turn to get mad. He was only trying to help.

"I hate the fact you exaggerate your feelings too much, each time something isn't right, or doesn't feel right for you- you gotta learn to stop being so nosy!" Miles yelled at him, the banter continuing for a solid 2 minutes.

"Alright then, fuck you. I'm done, do shit by yourself." Haruna stood up and walked towards the door. He stopped and glared at Miles.

"You've changed Miles. A lot."

Were the last words he said before he walked out that door.

To think he never noticed the change in Miles' eye colour during the outburst was how oblivious he could be. Miles' eyes changed back to the wood-like brown colour. He clenched his fists till his knuckles became white and his fingernails stabbed into the flesh of his palm. Crimson red flowed out of his fists as he began to glare at Silem, who now stood before him with a mischevious grin.

"You. You are a fucking jerk. Asshole." Miles threw a punch to Silem, which he gladly embraced. As soon as the punch landed on Silem's nose, Miles felt a jolting pain on the exact location where he punched Silem. He held his nose as it began to bleed, Miles facing the force of the punch he would've inflicted it Silem was not a Reverse- his reverse.

"Now I did not do that, you brought this upon yourself." Silem laughed at Miles, pointing towards his nose. "You see, the damage you do to me, you will receive it too. The same way if you got hurt, I would be too." Silem now booped his finger to his own nose, which began to bleed as well.

Silem walked up to him and bent his head close to his ear. "I will take everything away from you. You will end up being under my control and nothing more than a puppet with their feelings and emotions having stripped away." He whispered, which send shivers down Miles' entire body. Silem took a few steps back and dissapeared, probably in Miles' headspace.

Miles could only stand there as he knew he hurt Haruna's feelings. The fact he only wanted to check on him, and Silem controlled his body to lash out at him, it filled his heart with overflowing guilt. Tears tainted with remorse flooded his eyes as he began to have a meltdown.

He knelt down, pulling his knees close to his chest, and cried the guilt away, hopefully removing the pain he had as well. He cried and cried, until his eyes could not produce more tears, as he fell unconscious with sleep.


"Sorry to bother you, Captain Sleepyhead, but Admirals Watson and Crick have- damn what the hell?" Zeno whispered through the screen on Miles' bedboard. "Captain, why are you on the floor?"

"Huh? Oh Zeno." Miles yawned at his words, feeling more sleepy than usual. "It's nothing, just collapsed on the floor." He stood up, with his body aching head to toe. Sleeping on the floor was not his thing.

"Okay... but the Admirals called and have a mission ready for you and the team, best be there on time, everyone's waiting." Zeno spoke from his AI. "Thanks, be there in a sec." He got ready and wore his suit, before heading to the conference room. Everyone else was waiting for him. With total silence filling the room.

"Everyone's here, Zeno. Put the call through." Loretta spoke, breaking the silence. "Roger." The call was then connected to a live hologram of Watson and Crick.

"Mission Force One, we have a very important mission for you. A very important one." Watson said, interrupted by Crick. "There is an abandoned shuttle near a star that is about to go supernova, and Zeeb is trapped inside. Your mission is to rescue Zeeb before the star goes supernova."

"Zeeb is trapped? Again?" Mirandos asked, raising an eyebrow. "Maybe Zeeb is just careless!" Blodger responded, with the silence laughing at his statement. "It's the truth, right?"

"Mission accepted Admirals, we'll make sure Zeeb is rescued before he gets destroyed." Miles forced a determined look at the admirals. "Thank you, Captain Callisto. Tomorrowland over the moon- AND PLEASE HURR-"

The call disconnected.

"Alright team. Our mission is to rescue Zeeb from that shuttle before the star explodes! Again!" Miles raised a fist in the air, plastering a encouraging charisma towards the team 'I gotta fake a lot of stuff right now.' Miles thought to himself.

"Mission Force One, let's get the job done!"


YEAHHH WHATS GOOD PEOPLE I POSTED AGAIN (after procrastinating alot)

tbh this was supposed to be half of chapter 4 but i got lazy, so chapter 5 would be the second half of chapter 4 and first half of chapter 5 together.

well, see you when i post! thanks for reading. 🫶

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