#4 Who is he?

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To be part of L'art de guérir à Paris, to get invited by the founder Colette Fauvel and be able to participate every year is one of the biggest goal Simone had, three decades ago since the L'art de guérir à Paris built. Those artists who are willing and have good intentions can be participate and donate their artworks to support the foundation every year, all of the profit they made will be donated in a children hospitals and orphanage.

Now that she was given another chance to participate she spent sleepless night painting on a project hoping that there is someone with a good heart willing to buy her work, Simone looked up and observe her work she decided to use a large size canvas this time to emphasize the meaning of the art, she groaned in pain when she felt the pain in her back and shoulder she looks like she will be sick from the pain her body feels.

Simone missed her father even more while scanning her artwork, a bitter smile appeared on her face while observing her painting.Three years ago when she woke up in her room after the exhausting chemo therapy she saw her father patiently waiting for her to wake up and quietly reading the newspaper sitting on his favorite wooden chair still wearing his work clothes, her room was very bright her father had opened the window so that he could clearly read the letter in the newspaper, from outside she can see the peaceful and quiet neighborhood that image stuck in her brain and she chose to paint it.

"good morning!" her attention shifted to Julien who just entered her studio "ready?" he was wearing formal attire that suits him

"no, actually I still need to wrap it in a kraft paper" Julien nodded and stood beside her his full attention is on the canvas infront of him "how much do you think I need to sell it?" Julien raised his brows and glance at Simone

"this painting can cost a lot maybe a million?" she quickly rolled her eyes at him

"stop joking!" she said before getting the kraft paper and handing it to Julien "you should help me with this one"

"I'm not joking" he answered before taking the kraft paper and starting to wrap the canvas while Simone helped him immediately

"thank you for this one, Jul" a smile plastered on his face he stared at her and shook his head

"anything for you" he said and carefully lifted the canvas without any complaint "let's go?" Simone nodded and quickly followed Julien she stopped and scanned her whole art studio before stepping outside and locked her door she was greeted by beautiful sunlight and the cool breeze still lingered.

Julien carefully placed the canvas at the backseat the two felt relief when it fit, they got into the car and Julien drove the car away. Being ten minutes away from the museum Simone couldn't help but feel nervous and excited at the same time, this is her second time attending she cannot wait to see and talk to her fellow painters who have different cultures and to meet the richest elites.

Eight o'clock in the morning when they arrived at the museum, Julien couldn't help but be amazed as he looked around the front, he hadn't fully entered yet but he was already amazed by the building infront of him. Simone glanced at Julien and she smirked watching his reaction "don't be so obvious that this is your first time" Julien frowned as he carried the canvas "follow me Jul"

"Simone!" a high pitched voice echoed inside the museum they were greeted by a girl when they got inside she quickly hugged Simone and shake Julien hand "my name is Taki an employee here" she introduced herself and point at her name plate a wide smile appeared on her face as she shifted her gaze at Julien

"Julien" he replied "Simone's friend" Taki nodded before shifting her attention at Simone

"thank god you arrived early" Simone chuckled

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