#1 The Beginning

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His warm lips tasted like heaven she's losing her senses every time his lips touches hers, the heat it brings making her crazy and ofcourse she wants more. Lewis stop and faced her their eyes finally met, she stared down to his lips and back to his eyes that gaze she love his gaze.

"kiss me more sir" she whispered while staring at him deeply "I want more"

Lewis responded quickly, he kissed her again as if he was sucking her soul, she moaned when she felt Lewis begin to touched her face she tightened her grip on his tuxedo he was wearing. A moaned escape on her lips once again when she felt his warm hand roaming around her body. She can't explain the heat running through her body she's confused but at the same time she felt excited especially when she heard him groaned and moaned.

"I want you now" Lewis whispered on her ear "f*ck, I want you"


Simone slowly opened her eyes she was sweating a lot and breathing fast, her glance shifted at her friend's face she was frowning while looking down at her "w-what?" she confusedly asked while staring at her friend blue eyes.

"you're f*cking moaning! I thought you were going to die you scared the sh*t out of me!"

Simone slowly sat at her old sofa and took a deep breath, her dream earlier flashes on her mind she closed her eyes and cursed at herself, why the f*ck she dreamt about him again? she glance at her vintage clock and it's already past three in the afternoon "s-sorry I was just having a bad dream, Jordan" she lied while looking at her friend

Jordan shook her head and stared at her for a few seconds before roaming around inside her friend art studio, Simone watched her friend's face how it crumpled as she looked around "damn! when was the last time you clean your studio?"

Simone rolled her eyes and scanned her art studio her finished painting are in the right place the others are already hanging on the wall, her brushes and other art supplies are completely organized on her table and drawer the ladder she rarely used everytime she need to paint a massive art is on the side, her attention shifted on the center table her magazines, books, and crumpled paper are scattered.

"you're overacting again!" she annoyingly said and Jordan glanced at her

"come on i'm not! I've only been gone for a month Si, gosh! did a storm has passed through your studio?" she stopped and pointed at unfinished painting infront of her she observed the painting before facing Simone.

"is this the painting that Mr.Steven asked you to do?" Simone nodded and rolled her eyes "this is due tomorrow right!?"

"yeah I will finish that later" she whispered while she avoided her friend gaze

"oh Lord! I'm sure your brain is messed up that's why until now you can't finish this painting" she flipped her blonde hair and crossed her arms "are you okay?"

"ofcourse" she nodded before getting up "do you want coffee Miss.OCD?" Jordan rolled her eyes and nodded before throwing herself at the sofa she sneezed as the dust flew around "f*ck! it's time to clean your studio woman!"

"yeah I will tomorrow" she replied while laughing

Having a OCD friend is such a nightmare! she literally judges every small dust anywhere, little mess, and even the sound of her heavy breathing did not escape from her and sometimes when Jordan's maternal instinct kicked in it becomes so annoying for Simone but having Jordan on her side helped her a lot.

"so... how's your vacation in Los Angeles?" Jordan's face lit up not because of the slice of chocolate cake and coffee infront of her but because of Simone question

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