With a mischievous glint in my eye, I trust it into Chaeyoung's hands, "Here, darling, give this to (Y/N). It'll suit him just fine."

Confusion etched upon Chaeyoung's features as she accepted the unusual garment. "Um, okay. But won't he be too warm in this?"she inquired, her brow furrowed in puzzlement.

Sensing their confusion and silence, I turned to Dahyun and Chaeyoung with a sly smile, my expression morphing into a scary glare that sent shivers down their spines

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Sensing their confusion and silence, I turned to Dahyun and Chaeyoung with a sly smile, my expression morphing into a scary glare that sent shivers down their spines.

"Remember, girls. Payback's a dish best served cold" I warned, my voice dripping with faux seriousness as I evoked memories of past pranks.

Dahyun and Chaeyoung exchanged nervous glances, the color draining from their faces as they recalled the chaos of previous escapades.


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"Here you go, my dear maids. Consider it a gift from your generous employer!" Sana trilled, her eyes dancing with mischief.

Dahyun ever the eager participant in Sana's scheme accepted her gift without hesitation. " Thank you, Sana! You're always full of surprises".

Chaeyong with her keen intuition and a lingering sense of unease hesitated. "Are you sure this is safe, Sana?" she ventured, eyeing the bottles warily.

Unbeknownst to them, hidden within those innocent- looking bottles was not a shampoo. It was a concoction of glitter glue and industrial-strength adhesive- a prank so diobilical, it would leave lasting scars on their psyches.

As Dahyun luxuriated in the shower, she innocently reached for the bottle of shampoo, oblivious to the danger lurking within. With a careless flick of her wrist, she began to lather up her hair, only to be met with a horrifying realization.

"What... what is this?" Dahyun gasped as the glittery substance clung to her hair like super glue, rendering it stiff and unmanageable. Panic surged through her veins as she frantically tried to rinse it out, only to find that the adhesive had bonded with her hair like a vice.

Meanwhile, in the adjacent room, Chaeyong froze in horror as she heard Dahyun's frantic cries. "Dahyun, what's wrong?" she called out, her voice trembling with fear.

Her own terror reached new heights as she reached for her own bottle shampoo with the same nefarious substance. Feeling in the pit of her stomach sank, she realized they had fallen victim to Sana's twisted prank - a prank that would haunt them for weeks to come.

As days turned into weeks, Chaeyong and Dahyun endured a living nightmare. Their hair transformed into glittery, immovable masses that defied all attempts at removal. Their once cheerful demeanor gave way to a palpable sense of fear and paranoia. Their every interaction with Sana tinged with suspicion and dread.

**End of flashback**

With a shared gulp of apprehension, they braced themselves for whatever mischief lay ahead, knowing full well that in the whimsical world of mine. No one was safe from a well-planned prank.

(Y/N)'s POV

Staring at the thick Shiba Inu onesie in my hands, my frustration reaching a boiling point. This was beyond ridiculous. Sana had truly outdone herself this time and I felt a surge of anger rising within me. Did she take pleasure in adding to my stress and discomfort?

Without thinking, I threw the onesie onto the bed and paced back and forth, my mind racing with thoughts of revenge. But as I turned to face the mirror, I caught sight of my reflection wearing the absurd outfit and something inside me snapped.

I gritted my teeth, resisting the urge to scream her name at the top of my lungs. This was just another one of her cruel jokes, another opportunity for her to mock me and revel in my misery. Did she find joy in seeing me struggle, in knowing that I would spend sleepless night suffocating in this suffocating garment?

"SANA!" I screamed at the top of my lungs, my voice reverberating off the walls of my room.

"You've gone too far this time, you maniacal mastermind of mischief!"

But as soon as the sound left my lips, I realized the absurdity of my actions. Here I was, standing alone in my bedroom, screaming my boss's name like a madman over a piece of clothing. I couldn't help but burst into laughter at the sheer ridiculousness of it all.

"Oh, (Y/N), you've truly lost it this time" I muttered to myself between fits of laughter, the tension slowly melting away as I allowed myself to embrace the absurdity of the situation.

Even as I laughed, a part of me couldn't shake the feeling of annoyance and resentment towards Sana. She always knew how to push my buttons, how to drive me to the brink of madness with her relentless pranks and antics.

Ah, the bittersweet sorrow of enjoying the lost. Truly, there was never a dull moment in Sana's craziness world.

Author's note:
Hi there, silent readers! This is Inochi, a Malaysian writer. How was my story's plot? I hope you find it truly entertaining and not confusing. Please don't take it seriously because all the scenes or events are fictional. I apologize if some of my story scenes make you feel sensitive. This is my first time writing a fanfic story. I hope we can make friends.

Thanks for your voting and read my first fanfic! I hope you all enjoy the next scene! Stay tuned!

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