Chapter Ten

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so it's come 2 my attention that sometimes details on character outfits don't paste from the doc 2 Wattpad which is SUPER annoying. sorry for any inconvenience I have caused sighs

Emu and Nene sat there chatting for a while before the two felt a towering presence above them. The two looked up to see Mistress Asahina with her arms crossed, glaring at the girls.

Mistress Asahina wore a black long-sleeved button-up, a grey vest with pin stripes, black dress pants, sensible black shoes, and some jewellery (such as studded bracelets, necklaces, etc).

Mistress Asahina's hair was (for once) not in a high-ponytail, and was resting on her shoulders, clearly styled and cut into a wolf cut.

The jewellery was strangely all gold or a clearly fake silver. Nene wondered if Mistress Asahina was allergic to silver or something... Nene had heard of allergies like that before.

"You two woke up before the rest of the house." Mistress Asahina spoke through gritted teeth.

"O- O- Oh! M- Miss A- A- A- Asahina!" Emu's eyes went wide, she seemed to be even more scared of Mistress Asahina than Nene was.

"... Good morning, M- Mistress A- A- Asahina." Nene gave Mistress Asahina a polite nod.

"You two have some explaining to do." Mistress Asahina snarled.

"I don't get it... Why are you upset we woke up early..?" Nene asked in a confused manner.

"Oh, right... You're new..." Mistress Asahina sighed, pinching the bridge of her nose before she looked back up and began to speak again. "We have a very strict schedule in this household. I won't scold you, Nene, since you did not know any better... You, on the other hand, Emu..."

Emu squeaked in fear as Mistress Asahina turned towards her.

"You know better than to wake up early, much less go outside."

"S- She was upset over her fiance's death, Mistress A- Asahina..." Nene quickly butted in. "I saw her out the window of my room... So, I came outside to make sure she was okay..."

Mistress Asahina looked over at Nene, her eyebrows slightly raised. Mistress Asahina examined Nene's facial expression before she sighed and nodded, accepting Nene's explanation.

"I see... Well, I was going to have to introduce you two eventually..." Mistress Asahina sighed. "Well, come on, you two. Breakfast is nearly ready... Nene, you will have to give Ena a formal apology. You made her panic this morning... After breakfast she will change you out of that and get you changed into something else for the day... Do you understand?"

"Y- Yes, Mistress A- Asahina..." Nene stood up.

Emu followed along, grabbing her cane as she stood up. The three walked back towards the house. Nene's thoughts began to wander back to what Mistress Asahina said about going outside... Why weren't they supposed to go outside? There wasn't much time for Nene to think about that, however, Miss Ena stood in front of the front door nervously, and when she saw Nene, she immediately threw her arms around Nene, hugging her tightly.

"Oh my, Nene! Thank god you're safe!" Miss Ena croaked out.

"I'm sorry for making you worry, Miss Ena..." Nene mumbled, she truly was sorry for making Miss Ena worry, but she wasn't very used to giving out apologies.

"It's alright, I suppose..." Miss Ena sighed as she pulled away from hugging Nene. "Now, come on... Let's get you dressed."

Nene nodded. Miss Ena gently grabbed Nene's hand and led her down the hallway until they got to Nene's room.

"You're attending an auction tonight with Mafuyu... Are you excited?" Miss Ena asked as she closed Nene's bedroom door behind the two.

"An auction..? Like the one Mistress Asahina found me at?" Nene asked as she stood in front of the mirror.

"Yes, exactly like that... It's even in the same Opera House!" Miss Ena giggled before she began to help Nene undress.

𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟What Nene is wearing𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟

𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟What Nene is wearing𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟

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"Oh, how wonderful! Everyone at the Opera House will be sure to fall in love with you!" Miss Ena squealed as she gazed adoringly at Nene.

"Oh, nonsense... Please don't flatter me..." Nene smiled softly, her cheeks going bright pink as she avoided Miss Ena's brown eyes.

"Oh, now you're speaking fancy, too! Oh, I have taught you so well!" Miss Ena looked like she about to practically faint.

"Are you alright? You look a little light-headed, Miss Ena..." Nene began to panic, clasping her hands together in worry.

"Yes, I'm alright..." Miss Ena chuckled. "I'm just so happy! I feel like a proud parent!"

Nene couldn't help but giggle.

"Oh, my! Look at the time! The drive from here to the Opera House is longer than you think! We best get you into the car, now." Miss Ena sighed.

"... Are you not coming..?" Nene asked, her smile fading.

"Unfortunately, no. Only Mafuyu and Mizuki go to these types of events, usually... I find it a bit strange Mafuyu is bringing you along..." Miss Ena mumbled, her words trailing off in thought, but she quickly caught herself in an attempt to make sure Nene didn't panic. "But I'm sure it'll be okay! So, don't panic, alright?"

"... O- Okay..."

Miss Ena and Nene walked out of Nene's bedroom, down the hall, and to the front door where Akiyama and Mistress Asahina stood. Akiyama had their hands in their pockets, and a smug smirk on their face.

"Ah, Nene!" Akiyama greeted Nene with a bow, catching Nene off-guard.

Mistress Asahina scowled and nudged Akiyama - quite harshly, by the looks of it.

"Well, I'll see you some time later tonight, alright Nene?" Miss Ena smiled, patting Nene's head.

Nene nodded.

"Bye bye, Miss Ena." Nene smiled softly, enjoying the headpats before Miss Ena's hand retracted.

Nene then followed Akiyama and Mistress Asahina out to the limo they had taken when Nene had met the two for the first time. At least now, Nene knew not to drink anything Akiyama gave her.

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