Chapter Nine

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When Nene woke up, Miss Ena was not there to greet her. The house was quiet. Too quiet. Nene got up out of bed, the cold air stinging against her skin. The cold felt odd... Normally the house always had some sort of radiator going...

Nene tip-toed to the window. Nene hadn't looked outside the windows once she had arrived at The Asahina Household. It was snowing outside... There was an overgrown garden, and there was a short looking girl with short bubblegum pink hair.

The girl's back was turned to Nene, and the girl was just standing there... In the snow... Still as can be. It was like Nene could just... feel... That this girl was in some sort of pain. The girl wore a cream white fluffy sweater, a fluffy white skirt, pink and white striped thigh highs, legwarmers, and black mary janes. The girl also seemed to be using a cane, and was putting most of her weight on the cane.

Nene looked around, her eyes landing on the clock in her room... It was 6:25 am... Way before she was supposed to wake up... Nene quickly ran to her wardrobe where Miss Ena normally dressed her and dug through her drawers before she found something Miss Ena would deem as 'acceptable' if Nene had woken up earlier than Miss Ena wanted.

Nene got dressed in a cream turtleneck (which had some brown accents), a brown skirt with a white stripe going across the bottom, white tights, white and brown striped socks with brown ugs. Before Nene left, she quickly grabbed a green cardigan with stripes, some white knitted gloves (which slightly itched), and a brown beret.

꒷꒦꒷꒦꒷꒦꒷꒦꒷꒦꒷What Nene is wearing꒷꒦꒷꒦꒷꒦꒷꒦꒷꒦꒷

꒷꒦꒷꒦꒷꒦꒷꒦꒷꒦꒷What Nene is wearing꒷꒦꒷꒦꒷꒦꒷꒦꒷꒦꒷

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Nene quietly creeped out of her room and down the long hall. Eventually, Nene made it to a pair of big brown double doors... Nene gently opened it and closed it behind her.

Nene looked around, it had been a while since she had been outside... The snow around Nene slowly fell to the floor, engulfing her in the powdery white goodness.

But there was no time to waste! Nene was determined to help out this girl!

Nene looked around before spotting the girl a short distance away. Nene walked towards her, and once close enough, she waved before coming to a halt. The girl looked at Nene curiously.

"I don't think I've ever seen you before..." The girl said before making eye contact with Nene.

"I saw you from outside the window..." Nene spoke softly, trying her best to sound confident when all she wanted to do was run inside, curl up into a ball, and die.

"... You're that doll!" The girl's eyes lit up and she began to grin.

"... I suppose I am..." Nene sighed, trying her best not to show her disappointment.

As soon as Nene met anyone in this GOD FORSAKEN HOUSEHOLD they just HAD to say that, didn't they!?

"It's so nice to finally meet you!" The girl squealed loudly, Nene was nervous that someone inside would wake up and catch her but felt too scared to ask this girl to be quiet. "My name is Emu Otori!"

Emu grabbed Nene's hand and shook it enthusiastically, which in truth, made Nene feel a bit sore and tired once Emu finally pulled her hand away from Nene's.

"N- Nice to meet you..." Nene smiled nervously. "My name is Nene..."

"Oh, I know!" Emu's grin widened.

"... You know?"

"Miss Asahina goes on about you for SOOOOOO long! It's hard not to memorise the things she tells us!"

"S- She... Goes on about me..?" Nene put one of her hands on her cheeks as she felt herself begin to blush.

"Hehe! Are you surprised? Miss Asahina isn't one to show how much she truly cares for someone when she first meets them."

"... Pardon me if this is rude, changing the topic so quickly and turning it into a potentially touchy topic... But you seemed a bit upset earlier... May I ask why?"

"... Oh... Uhm..." Emu's grin faded from her face before she took a deep breath and spoke. "About three weeks ago... I found out my fiance, Ichika, passed away after being poisoned at lunch the day before..."

"Oh my... I- I'm so sorry..."

"It's alright... Justice has been served for her... The perpetrator 'mysteriously' went missing... The work of Miss Asahina and Miss Mochizuki." Emu went back to grinning.

Nene felt her blood run cold when Emu said that... So happily... So... Casually... Plus, she was shocked to hear that Miss Mochizuki helped... She seemed so sweet! Miss Mochizuki could never hurt a fly! ... But now Nene knew she could.

"... But you miss your fiance, don't you?" Nene asked with a worried tone and look.

"Everyday... But she's happy in heaven."

"... I know I never knew her... But... I think she'd be proud of how strong you are."

"You think?"

"I do."

"... I think you're right... Thank you."

"... Do you live here? At the Asahina Household?"

"Yes, I'm Miss Asahina's blood donor! My fiance used to live here too... She helped Miss Mochizuki."

"Blood donor?" Nene raised an eyebrow in confusion.

"Oh, she didn't tell you? Miss Asahina's a vampire!" Emu giggled. "She can eat normal human food, but it doesn't do anything to help her hunger, and she can't taste anything... I'm guessing she's only been eating normal human food in front of you so then you don't get weirded out."

"... But then how are you not dead? If that's not rude..."

"Well, it's taken from me medically, and put into those little bag thingies! So, it's just like making a blood donation!"

"Ah, I see... Why do you have to use that cane?"

"Because I have POTS!" Emu giggled, walking over to a bench and sitting down.

"POTS?" Nene asked as she sat down next to Emu.

"Yes, POTS! The actual name is quite long, so I often have trouble remembering it..." Emu sighed before she seemed to remember. "Ah! I remember now! Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome."

"That... Sounds like quite the mouthful."

"It is! I'm guessing you'd like me to explain?"

"Please, if you could."

"Me, personally, I have Neuropathic POTS. Neuropathic POTS is believed to be caused due to damage of small nerve fibers that regulate the constriction of blood vessels in the limb and abdomen." Emu paused before she continued. "Neuropathic POTS usually affects the legs, so it causes most people to end up having to use a cane and/or a wheelchair."

"Ah... I see... So... In short, you have trouble standing?"

"Correct! I have trouble standing for long periods of time!" Emu grinned. "I own a wheelchair, but I prefer to use my cane, so I have to take lots of breaks during the day to make sure I don't experience the nasties that come with this chronic H-E-double hockey sticks!"

Nene giggled at Emu's expression of 'H-E-double hockey sticks' instead of just saying 'hell'. Emu seemed like a fun person to be around. Nene already liked Emu.

"I like you, Nene." Emu giggled.

"I like you too, Emu." Emu smiled softly.


hai everypony!!

so I do not have pots, I merely wrote what I have found doing some research. PLEASE tell me if ANYTHING I have written is false, or anything like that. constructive criticism is welcomed and encouraged, please and thank you.

The Doll Of The Opera House (MafuNene story)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant