Delia Ketchum's terrifying interrogation! Ash vs Lance[CHAPTER 17]

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GARY:[thinking]Way to go Ashy Boy, you managed to make a girl fall for your charms whom you never interacted with...dang, why cant i get that 9000+ Rizz my fate written to be the best wingman...thats just cruel arceus![crying comically at last part]

ASH:[sweating hard]Oh my goodness...not another one, please tell me that she isn't blushing...another childhood friend fell for my past self...this is outrageous...JUST HOW MANY PEOPLE EVEN FIND ME attractive...i swear that i am just a average trainer with mediocre skills and got very lucky at beating Leon. why do girls even fall for me?

[Well while they were walking at the speed of caterpie, ash suddenly had a small flashback at his own question.]


ASH: Hey girls, are you seriously okay with this? Like...i cant even imagine the thing we are about to do.

???:[Smiles]Its alright ash... we all know that we cant share you till the end of time...that type of relationship will never work out.

???:[smiles sadly] Yeah...sooner or later one of us will feel to monopolize you and it may ruin our bonds...this approach is the best one we could think of.

ASH:[frowns]But...i cant imagine to hurt your feelings like that.

???:[giggles]Oh silly Ash, you're not hurting any feelings...we waited years to break your denseness and then tried to think of ways to work the relationships between you and all of us...[smiles sadly]its certainly not easy to handle 20 different relationship at a time.

???:[pouts slightly]Although it is definitely your fault that you managed to attract atleast 2 girls in each region you went...

ASH:[gasps]But i didnt even wanted any relationships at those moments...i didnt even know what the heck the concept of relationships was.

???:[chuckles]Thats right, but your natural charm does find its way out, remember half of us wouldn't be here if you hadn't helped us...your act of kindness is more than enough to remember you in our heart, but thats not all.... you cared for us in ways no one else can say that your personality is perfect as it is...your honesty has also played a key role.

???:[smiles]Thats right, lets not forget that you helped us become into confident and independent ladies, I didnt even knew what i wanted to do when i set out for my helped me... At the end your phrase ' Dont give up till its over' always motivated me...

ASH:[his eyes watered a bit at their confessions]....

???:This night is the only night we ask....the person you choose to spend your life is your decision alone, we already accepted it, whoever you choose we wont regret it.

*Flashback Ends*

ASH:[thinks]I see... well the time i come from already adopted the modern system of living, but around the time of my journey in kanto-johto... the champions were still deciding on someone of the general rules plus...hmm am i missing something here? should i be knowing something... Well i chose serena at the end...the story ends there...none of us had any regrets infact all of them are happy at their field of work...well lets see how i can help achieve my past self earn his happy ending.

[Well Yes Ash you're definitely missing something....also you are indirectly helping your past self too...*cough* Kingdom of Rota to unlock the special route.]

[Well soon enough they reached Professor Oak and Delia Ketchum who were shell shocked, and Tracey who had fainted...apparently gary gave them the summary so both of the adults could prepare for it and see it with their own eyes. Both of them were infront of Delia and Oak with their hood down, so they can see their faces completely.]

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