7: Is That a, Yes?

Start from the beginning

She looked in the direction her friend went and didn't see her anywhere.

"Where'd she go?" The girl asked herself.

"Where did your friend go?" She heard and looked up to see Marcellus looking down at him.  Marcellus sat down across from her, "I didn't know that we went to the same school." He says smiling at the girl that started to slowly become interested in.

Francesca giggled, "I also didn't know we went to this school together this whole time and never seen each other." She ate some of her food as the two continued to talk. "I'm not sure what's going on with my friend she's been acting weird lately." Francesca said sadly.

"Maybe you should talk to her about it." The boy told her gently. "And whatever she might be going through you can pray to God." 

Francesca nodded, "Thank you, Marcellus." 

"You're welcome, Franny." Marcellus flashed her a grin showing his teeth. The sixteen-year-old glanced downward sighing and then back upward looking into the older girl's eyes. "Since I'm sitting here, I've been thinking?"


"How do you feel if we go on a picnic during this weekend so we can get to know each other more?" He asked her. Francesca was caught off guide not expecting him to ask her that question. She sheepishly nodded, "I've never been on a picnic before." She smiled.

"Is that a, yes?" He asked.

She laughed and nodded, "Yes."

"Awesome." He says standing up. "We can talk later to see who brings what. Sound good."

"Sounds like a plan." He grinned and saluted her then walked back to the table his friends are sitting at. Francesca smiled and picked up her tray to throw her food away. When she sat back down, she sat there until it was time to go to her next class.

"Where did you go?"


Francesca is in Rachael car, when school ended Francesca called Rachael's cell phone. Her friend was waiting for her outside of the school in her car.

"You left the lunch table and didn't return. Where did you go?" 

Rachel glanced at Francesca and looked back at the road. "I went to the bathroom and stay there until lunch was over." She said shrugging.

Francesca turned to Rachel and looked at her seriously, "Rachel, want is going on? You've been acting weird for a while. When I ask you what's wrong you always dodge the question."

"Francesca!" Rachel yelled making the seventeen-year-old girl jump. "I don't want to talk about it, okay?" Rachel gripped the steering wheel tightly not looking at her childhood friend.

Francesca turned back in her seat and looked straight forward, "Okay." She mumbled.

They pulled into the parking lot of Two Dove Diner and parked in front of the small establishment. Rachael sighed and looked at Franny seeing the look of distress on her young friend's face. "I'm sorry, Franny. I'm not in a good place right now I didn't mean to yell at you." She apologized. Francesca looked at Rachael, "It's okay I should have left in alone." She smiled.

"You're a kind person Franny. I'm blessed to be able to have you as my friend."

"Rachel, I care about you and whatever you are going through I'll try too there for you and remember you can always pray to God, give him your worries." Francesca reminded Rachel who is also a believer in Jesus Christ.

"Yeah, thank you."

"Well, thank you for the ride." Francesca grabbed her bookbag and got out of the car. "Bye."

"Bye, I'll see you tomorrow." Rachel says then drove away after Francesca shut the car door. Francesca turned around and entered her mother's diner. Holly eyes lit up, "Franny! How was school?" The girl waved at the red haired, "It was good, how has your day been?"

"Well, Mondays are always slow so, yeah a pretty slow day."

"At least I can do my homework in peace. Are you okay to keep working out here by yourself?" Francesca spoke walking to the kitchen. "Yeah, you know me Franny and as you can see there's not that many customers in here today." Holly reassured the teen.

The Blackman girl nods and entered the kitchen saying 'hi' to Skylar and her mother then walked in office that's in the back of the diner through the kitchen.

She sat down at a desk and set her bookbag on the floor and takes out her homework and started working until she was finished after that she put everything away and put on her uniform got to work.












Philippians 4:6 Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. 7 And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

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