What's going on?(short)

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It seemed like everything had stilled as soon as Addison Shepherd had been introduced.

Time stands frozen in this shocking reunion.

I mean, who would've thought that Shepherd would be hiding a wife?

Time was in fact broken.

Several people across the hospital, the states, and even the ones across from the bar were picked up, knocked unconscious, and stopped in a movie theater-like room.


Slowly but surely people started to wake up, first starting with the wolves/hybrid, then continuing on with the rest of the doctors from the hospital.

"What the hell is going on?" A disgruntled brunette woman with bright blue eyes who looks to be about eight years older than Daisy was.

(So I tried to look up Amelia's age but it kept giving me different years, like 1979, 1973 and others. Derek was 39 in s1, and it is said that Amelia and Derek are 7 years apart. So she'd be 32 in season one. She's older than Meredith by 5 years and older than Daisy by about 8 years. Addison is also about 38-39 years old in s1, like Derek so she should be about 7 years older than Amelia, and about 15 years older than Daisy, which isn't the biggest age gap in GA, that belongs to Mark and Lexie who are 16 years apart give or take.)

"I know almost everyone here, but for those who don't know, can we introduce ourselves please." Izzie asked.

"I guess I'll start. I'm Richard Webber. Chief of Surgery at Seattle Grace." The man stated

"Miranda Bailey, Resident at Seattle Grace. Looking to go into General Surgery." Bailey said.

"Izzie Stevens, intern at Seattle Grace." Izzie said with a happy smile on her face.

"Alex Karev, Intern at Seattle Grace." Alex said with a sigh.

"George O'Malley, intern at Seattle Grace." George said.

"Cristina Yang, intern at Seattle Grace, looking to go into cardio." Cristina said.

Leah got caught up in the doctor's voice and stared into her eyes.

The imprint bond immediately making her breath catch in her throat.

She just imprinted!

And it was so much better than she had ever imagined.

The resentment that still lingered for Sam's betrayal lessened a tad bit more.

She would never forgive him fully, especially with how he went about their relationship, but now she could understand how he originally felt.

The imprint bonding was very intense.

Cristina felt somehow connected to the woman who looked a lot like Daisy.

And she had no idea why.

"Preston Burke, Head of Cardio at Seattle Grace." Burke said.

"Derek Shepherd, Head of Neuro at Seattle Grace." Both Addison and Amelia look at Derek. He ignores them both.

"Meredith Grey, Intern at Seattle Grace." Meredith grumbled out. Not too happy about the bombshell that just got dropped onto her life.

The guy had a wife for God's sake.

"Amelia Shepherd, I'm a Neuro fellows in Los Angeles." Amelia said.

This got Daisy's attention.

The voice was so captivating and Daisy just had to look over.

Daisy's golden brown eyes locked with colbalt blue ones and Daisy immediately froze as she imprinted on the other Shepherd.

Leah and Seth's eyes widened in awe. Their alpha just imprinted after all!

This was cause for celebration.

Two imprints in one day.

"Addison Shepherd, Double board Certified in Neonatal and OBGYN." Addison said.

And once again, Seth and Leah heard the resounding thoughts about Daisy soul bonding with the red head.

Daisy met the two potential loves of her life in one day?

No wonder she was overwhelmed.

"I guess it's our turn. Hi, I'm Seth Clearwater, and I am in my final year of med school." Seth said with a bright smile.

People looked at how young he looked with wide eyes.

The dude looked like he should still be in highschool.

Much like Daisy did honestly.

"Leah Clearwater, I'm in my third year as a Lawyer at my practice. I focus more on Murders and Sexual Assault cases. We're the cousins of Daisy." Leah said.

People looked between the three of them and wondered what type of genetics ran in their family for them to look so young dispite their ages and jobs?

I mean, they look like teenagers.

"Daisy Black, intern at Seattle Grace, hoping to go into Peds or Trauma." Daisy said, finally coming out of her shock.

Addison and Amelia feel a pull towards Daisy and wondered why that was?

"Now does anyone know why we're here?" Bailey asked.

"You are all here to watch the past and future.

Some secrets need to be seen before the future can be watched, all of you are here because you have a part in this future.

Whether you know it or not.

Others will be joining you as they're introduced, so be warned if people just pop in.

You may call me the mysterious voice in the ceiling, or even Chaos, cause I like to cause it.

Now we'll watch a few videos and get to watching if you want any types of snacks please just think about them and they'll appear, now grab a seat and get ready to watch the past and future." The mysterious voice in the ceiling said.

Everyone quickly grabbed a seat.

The interns, and the two other wolves sat in their own group.

Then Addison and Amelia were together in the middle, whilst Bailey, Burke, Webber, and Derek were on the other side of them.

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