HB: S1 E2 Loo Loo Land

Start from the beginning

"He picks both of them up and takes them away from the door, now Y/n was reading them a story of the horrible angels"

Y/n: And then the demons were forced into hiding, but the angels found them and jumped out from under there bed...

Clara: Uhh so scary.

Odette: I'm scared.

"They went under the covers as Y/n was still reading the story"

Y/n: And burnd there clothes, and broke there toys!(Pulls back the covers) and took there candy!

He see's that the girls were gone but he checks under the bed and see's them as Clara was holding her candy and Odette holding Clara

Clara: Don't take my candy.

Y/n: Sweetheart, you know I would never let anything happen to you or your sister, I promised your mother I would protect both of you forever.

He then gets up and strums a guitar and sings they got out from under the bed and hears him sing

Y/n:🎵 My clever Clara My observant Odette, let me wipe all your tears away,(they climb on the bed near him)those angels are nasty, so with daddy you will stay, and if a angel tries to harm you, ill simply say...(Gets up and assumes deathly pose with his blades on fire and slashes the air, then quickly goes back to the gutiar) because your daddy's girls, daddy's girls I'm your daddy.🎵

"Time goes by and they fell asleep on Y/n's chest hugging him he looks down and smiled down at them through the mask as Carmilla joins him on the bed"

Present day

"Y/n got back from Butching some bad sinners as Odette noticed something "

Odette: Hey wait up father.

Y/n: What is it Odeie?

Clara then touches something on his neck as he doesn't feel it

Clara: Can't you feel that dad?

Y/n: Feel what? Is this a prank?

Carmila gave him a mirror and it shows that he has a bowie knife lodged in his neck

Y/n: Oh... that, must've forgotten about that.

He then grabs the knife by the handle and pulls it out making a gurgling noise, he throws the knife in the disposal unit and his wound heals itself as his ringtone went off

Ringtone:(Screams of a victim)

Carmila: MI amor, is that your ringtone?

Y/n: Yeah, I mean it's good its the scream of a child rapist that i tortured with hot gelding tongs, a butterknife and a spoon but I think with Adam's Scream in it, it would really be banging. (Answers the phone)O'lo-

Clara: Its Pronounced 'hello' dad.

Y/n: Oh sorry, Hello? Oh hey Blitza how are you? Really, where? Oh that ripp-off place. Okay, Fine. I'll be there okay if I can. Oh really well where are they going? Well ummm, just get me a turkey club. Uhh, Coleslaw I guess I mean I'm not even gonna eat it. Wait what are you getting? Ahh see I always order the wrong thing. No no no, I'll just stick with that. Okay by- wait what? Oh a cherry Coke. Thanks. Bye. Uh, I- uh (Whispers) I love you too.(Ends the call)

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