Chapter 15-Alex & Niall

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I smiled and ran around the stage. We were on the last song of yet another show. I don't know where we are, but thats not my job. I laughed as Louis pratically tackled Niall bringing him to the ground. They do alot of stupid things on stage but the funniest things happened off stage. 

We quickly finished the last song and did the final bow. Then we all headed backstage to change because we had a interview in about half an hour. I stole one of Ashton's long sleeved sweaters and put on black skinny jeans while sliding my black vans back on. I threw a random shirt at Louis who was running around needing a shirt. I saw Luke come out in a old penguin sweater of his and smiled. The fans would go crazy with that shirt considering it was during "Fetus" times. 

We all finished then got into the van we had to use while we were in the city and such to head to the interview. We got there a couple minutes early. Once the band names were called we all came out. The interviewer knew I was coming along and smiled at me considering I wasn't the kind of person who liked to join in the interviews. We said our hellos and sat down, me ending up squished between Luke and Niall. Luke kept glancing at his phone when he thought no one was looking but I didn't think much of it. 

"So, Alex. What is it like being on tour with these boys?"

I looked up and thought for a minute.

"As much as security and staff say its hard its really not. Sure, during rehearsals the boys can get rowdy and get outta hand but other than that they are pretty chill and it's alot of fun. Except in the morning when I have to make sure I get the right cereal for each boy so they don't flip and complain but ya know it's still alot fun."

After a few more questions from the interviewer, they decided to have us read stuff that fans tweet us. They decided to have me go first and what I had to do was read the first thing I saw and reply. I logged onto my twitter on my phone, tweeted the hashtag #TweetAlexM and waited. In less than a minute I started getting lots of tweets. The first one was a question.

"AlexGClifford #TweetAlexM What's it like dating Niall?"

"Well, Niall's a very sweet guy and of course being around all the other guys make it fun. It makes it fun. But Niall all in all is a nice and supportive guy. He's also very caring and does his best to make sure I make good choices. He's kinda like every fangirls dream girl."

I finished that one then went to the next one.

"AlexGClifford #TweetAlexM You're really pretty and cool."

"Thanks uh..Aleiah"

I read a couple more until I got to these three.

"AlexGClifford #TweetAlexM Your useless to us. The only reason all these "fans" are nice to you is because your dating Niall. "

"AlexGClifford #TweetAlexM Go kill yourself you ugly bitch."

"AlexGClifford #TweetAlexM You don't even deserve someone like Niall. Your just an attention hog who only likes our Nialler for the fame."

I read each one slowly, more and more tears brimming my eyes. I nodded and then stood up and walked away. I was used to a little hate but nothing like this. All these haters know I have a bad past and knew this would hit me. I heard the interview apolgized for something then heard Michael come up behind me. I looked up at him and hugged him, crying into his chest. 

I looked up and saw Niall there and ran to him. I looked up at him and hugged him, him hugging me back tightly.

"I-I love you Niall." 

I grabbed his hand and looked up at him seeing his beautiful blue eyes glossy. I grabbed his hand.

"I love you too Alex." 

The Fault in our Bands~Book OneDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora