Chapter 3-Alex

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After the show, the boys went backstage and met some fans, took some pictures, signed some things.

Then Harry suggested we go too a party. At first I wasn't so keen on doing it. I mean, the boys may be adults or close enough, but they have childish personalities and tend too act childish. I'm not saying I'm not childish, I mean come on I'm related too Michael, but I am responsible and mature enough too know that sending these eight boys too a party where there are most likely going too be drunks, and the boys could get drunk, isn't a smart idea.

I also knew better than too protest with the boys, so I followed them out too the van, then too the party. Once we got there, I stayed towards the front of the house that was holding the party. I'm not the kind too get drunk. I may have a drink or two but I rarely drink enough too get me drunk. After a while I went in, and it was just as I imagined. Drunks passed out on the floor or on couches and tables, bottles and cups littering the floor. People dancing on tables, people hitting it off, I didn't see anyone who looked even semi-sober. I was looking for one of the boys. I found Luke first, who was, of course, drunk.

"Hey Al" Luke slurred.

I just rolled my eyes. Luke always gets the most drunk at parties. I grabbed his wrist and dragged him outside. I sat him down. After a couple minutes he fell asleep, like I knew he would.

I picked him up and layed him in a area of grass near the front so I could make sure he dosen't get up and run around knocking on peoples door asking for bacon lik he did at the last party we went too. I sat back down and watched Luke. After about an hour or so I felt a hand on my shoulder. I looked up too see Niall.

"Hey blondey." I said giggling.

"Hey Pinkie." Niall said laughing.

Blondey and Pinkie seem too be our knicknames for each other now.

"I'm tired and have a headache." Niall whined, laying his head on my shoulder.

I giggled. Niall must have fallen asleep earlier, which means he most likely has a hangover now. I laughed again, laying down, Niall doing the same. He layed his head down on my shoulder pulling me in when I shivered.

We ended up falling asleep that way. I think I'm falling for the blonde haired cutie of the famous boy band One Direction, Niall Horan.

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