The Break up 💎

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I was bottling up my emotions hurt my Jotaro dream crushing my dreams, as Kacey rubs my back and says on whispering in my here. "If you keep it in you'll explode, talk or yell it out." I looks at her and reply tearing up trying not to cry my eyes out quietly, "no, he could be right. What if I'm not gonna be a successful restaurant owner here.." "noo he isn't right. Your dream can't fail or succeed if you don't even try. Go through with the restaurant idea." She said to me. "If she goes through with it, don't expect my help with financial assistance to get the building for the dumbass restaurant made." Jotaro blurted out facing me directly. I take my engagement ring off and threw it at his eye. "You never supported my dreams and I'll fine a job to play for restaurants expensive. I'm done with you and when we get back to the mansion pack up your room and get out." I yelled as tears streamed down my face. "WHAT!?! Your kicking me out!?!" Jotaro said holding his eye. "Yeah I am. I'm done with the dream crushing and I refuse to marriage dream crushing men." I say crossing my arms as Jotaro huffed looking away. Kacey secretly cheered for me as she comforted me as the limo drove up to our home mansion and parked. Michaelango got out and opened the door as Kacey helped me out and Jotaro Stormed to the mansion anger to start packing. "Shay I'm proud you stood up to that jerk, and I'll gladly help support the restaurant in any way I can." Kacey said as she hugged me. I replied hugging back, "thank you bestie and guardian. Really thank you for being here with me in this city." "I'm always gonna be here to help."she replied. "I can go collect applications for you ms. Mills." Michealango said looking at me. "That would be very helpful thank you so much." I said with a soft smile on my face wiping the tears. "I'll even do the grocery shopping to help out around til our housekeeping helper arrives." Kacey said looking at me. I replied, "Thank you bestie." Jotaro came out with his stuff and threw his key at me. "Have fun failing babe." He said walking away. I scream taking the key, "I'm not your babe anymore and I won't fail this dream. I'll prove it."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 15 ⏰

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