Chapter 1: Unexpected News

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Helene's P.O.V.

"I'm sorry...I wasn't capable enough. I'm sorry that all of you had to suffer because of me," the Alpha's resigned words drifted to my ears, where I was eavesdropping outside the meeting room. What are they talking about? I thought, furrowing my eyebrows. As a delta, I was usually allowed to participate in the pack meetings, but this time, only the beta was. I placed my ear on the door, hoping to catch everything. The Alpha's defeated tone struck a cord in my heart. This was the first time I saw (or should I say, heard) him like this.

"Don't say that! Stop blaming yourself, Alpha, it's not your fault," another voice counters, one that I immediately recognize. It was my father, the beta of Dewy Moon pack.

Alpha Alder sighed in frustration, muttering. "Stop trying to make me feel better. You know very well that it's not the case." A pause. "I was lucky that he didn't end my life right then and there. He gave me a chance to surrender, to be the beta to their pack, and I, being the coward I am, gratefully took it. I let you down, Beta Dusk, I let everyone down,"

"No-" Father tried to get a word in edgewise, but he was interrupted.

"You were my most trusted werewolf, my beta, but now I am to be the beta of his pack."


"What am I going to do? You won't get the position that you deserved in his pack, and I will get the position that I don't deserve, I-"

"ALPHA!" Father screeched, trying to get his attention. After a while, he continued again, his voice gentle this time. "You didn't let anyone down; you made the right decision. You did this in order to protect us, not to save yourself. You are the best alpha that anyone can have, and it will remain that way, even when we merge with the other pack," he stated, his voice cool and composed.

"But how about you-" the alpha stuttered, but he was cut off mid-sentence by Father. Seriously, what's up with people cutting each other off these days?

"I don't mind about the position. As long as my alpha and my pack members are safe, I am content. I want the best for my family, for my pack, not for myself." His words seemed to calm Alpha Alder's hysterical thoughts.

Once they started discussing other matters, I stood up from my spot. There was no need to listen anymore. For now, I tried to focus on my swarming thoughts.

So, from what I heard, our pack was going to merge with another pack, as a result from Alpha Alder's defeat.

My wolf, Honey, had to choose that moment to cut in. could he lose?

I shrugged. Our pack was one of the strongest in the region, second only to Waning Crescent pack. Similarly, our alpha one of the strongest, winning nearly every single match and spar that is thrown in his direction, except for the "he" (the person that Alpha lost to) of course. Alpha Alder will become the beta of their pack, while Father...I heaved a sigh. Father, originally a delta, worked so hard to become the beta. Sensing my distraught, Honey hurriedly tried to soothe me. Don't worry, I'm sure your father will prove himself to the alpha! Have faith in him. My furrowed brows smoothed a bit at her words. She always knew what to say to cheer me up. You're right...I guess. Of course I am. How will you survive without me? I bet you can hardly stay out of-

The rest of her words were cut off when I ran straight into Vera Storm, my best friend. Hey, I thought I was your best friend. Honey whined, but I ignored her, pushing her to the back of my mind. I needed to tell Vera everything.

"Vera, hey!" I greeted her, trying to sound as enthusiastic as I could.

"Helene, where've you been? I was searching for you everywhere!" She pouted, poking my arms playfully. But before I could answer her, her face pulled into a frown. "Are you alright? You seemed distracted just now. You have one of the keenest senses in our whole pack, surely you would have sensed me way before?" I laughed nervously. Leave it to Vera to notice the smallest details. It was expected, though. Being the gamma of our pack, her title was akin to 'general', and she was in charge of training the warriors.

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