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IZZY HAD NEVER been a bad girlfriend in nancy's eyes. however, to everyone else, izzy was the worst person nancy had ever been with.

maybe nancy was clouded by what she thought was love. maybe having izzy around helped her feel like her life wasn't as miserable. or maybe, nancy was relieved that someone finally seemed to like her, and she didn't want to let that go.

if she didn't have anyone to love her, then wasn't being disowned by her own father for who she loves all for nothing?

nancy and izzy's relationship was perfect at the start. for the first few years, izzy was caring, romantic, and very attractive. summer loved izzy, and the two got along very well.

senior year is when it all changed.

nancy began to pull away from summer and spend most of her time with izzy. summer mentioned it to nancy one day, and nancy told her that izzy didn't like how much time she was spending with her friends.

summer tried to tell her that wasn't normal, but nancy made up an excuse and brushed it off.

izzy and nancy began to fight a lot over time. izzy was constantly going through nancy's phone, getting mad over any picture she found of nancy with a guy or girl- even if the picture was from years before they even met.

nancy began smoking weed as a coping mechanism to deal with her relationship. she didn't want to leave izzy- she loved her. if she broke up with her, she was throwing away something that could possibly be good.

she spent most of her days high from when she woke up to when she fell asleep, which was slowly killing her mentally. it made her numb. numb to the fights they had, to her friend's feelings, to izzy's manipulations.

all she cared about was izzy.

she could fix their relationship. she could get it back to the way it was. surely she had done something that destroyed their relationship, and she could fix it. she could make it better.

no matter how many times summer told her she needed to break up with izzy, she ignored it. even when summer was crying on the phone to her about how worried she was that nancy wasn't safe, nancy stayed with izzy.

until something clicked in her mind one random night.

she began to feel upset every day. she'd cry every night over something with izzy, and she'd debate on dumping her. but every night, somehow, she'd decide against it.

and eventually, it stopped. izzy pulled away, and then she dumped her.

nancy expected herself to feel at peace, but she felt even worse. she didn't think izzy was that bad to her- they could've made it work. she wished every day for izzy to text her again and come back, and she never did. the one night nancy hadn't thought sbout her, she sends her a text.


nancy stared at the text in disbelief. it was only a simple 'hey', but it was all nancy needed to feel like she had been punched in the stomach. her heart was racing, practically jumping out of her chest.

she took a deep breath, attempting to calm herself down. she threw her phone across the car, trying to get it as far away as possible. if she kept it near her, she was worried she'd end up texting izzy back.

she started up her car and drove home, playing some of her favorite songs to distract her. when she got home, she parked in a parking spot and found her phone. she put it in her bag and headed upstairs to their apartment.

she unlocked the door and went inside, heading straight to sunmer's room. she flung open the door and walked inside, finding summer on her phone in bed.

"you're back!" summer exclaimed, putting her phone down and sitting up.

"i have so many things to tell you" nancy told her, sitting in bed next to her.

"well, spill!"

"so, went to robin's hotel last night. we drank some champagne and-"

"did y'all fuck or not?" summer interrupted impatiently. nancy nodded, and summer smiled. "thank god"

"let me tell my story! so yes, we did. and then she insisted i stay the night, so i did. we got breakfast this morning, it was really nice"

"did you shower on your own or with her?" summer asked.

"what?" nancy asked, choking on the breath she was taking. "how'd you know?"

"nance, your hair's wet. it's not rocket science"

nancy rolled her eyes at herself, wondering how she could be so stupid as to forget that.

"right. the second one," nancy replied, referring to summer's earlier question. "anyways, i left so she could go to the plans she had. when i got in my car, i checked my notifications since i hadn't been on my phone since i woke up"

she pulled up izzy's text. "look"

she showed summer the text. it took summer a second to understand, before she gasped and put her hand over her mouth.

"no fucking way," summer said in shock. "do not reply"

"i don't want to reply," nancy lied. "i'm over her"


nancy tried her hardest for the rest of the day to not text izzy back. even when nancy was texting robin, izzy's message was in the back of her mind. she hated how easily izzy could get under her skin.

she had only said one word, but nancy was still spiraling over it.

nancy laid in bed that night, replying back to robin's goodnight text. she was exhausted; the thoughts of izzy's text all day had worn her brain out. she felt like each time she thought about izzy, the more likely she was to text her back.

at 1am, she couldn't take it anymore, and gave in. she replied to izzy's text.

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