"Let's go guys, before we lose her again." Minji interrupted.

The three of them walked carefully toward the park and hid behind different trees or bushes.

Minji made a signal to the other two that she was going to go first.

They nodded and got ready.

Minji crouched, making her way toward the girl slowly.

Marie was sitting on a bench facing the other direction, making it easy for Minji.

Once Minji was right behind Marie, she put the girl in a headlock, naturally the girl tried to fight back, but Minji was stronger.

That was Haerin and Hyein's cue to start.

They helped Minji by taking the girl and bringing her to the forest near the park.

By then, they had taped the girl's mouth and had tied her legs and feet just like they had done to all of their past victims.

When they were deep enough in the forest, they dropped her on the ground and got prepared.

As they got the last things from their backpacks, Hyein spoke.

"Are you guys going to do what you did last time?" Hyein asked concerned.

"No, Hyein; we will never do that again that was a one-time thing." Minji replied.

Hyein nodded in response and then zipped up her backpack.

Haerin took a knife and walked next to the girl.

"Marie Williams, how are you?" Haerin asked mockingly.

"Oh wait, you can't talk because of the tape, but I don't feel like taking it off; you know I don't want people nearby to hear you scream." Haerin added, then smiled evilly.

"You're a bitch, no one likes you, right, Minji and Hyein?" Haerin asked as she played with her knife.

"Yeah, you're a total nobody, just some annoying girl." Minji replied.

"Maybe that's the reason you're so fucking stupid." Hyein added.

The girl looked back at them with an angry yet terrified look.

"Should we just get rid of her now or torture her?" Haerin asked.

"2nd option sounds more fun." Hyein replied, and Minji agreed.

Haerin stepped back and let Hyein be first.

Hyein swiftly slashed the girl's left arm and then stabbed her hand.

As the girl looked back with tears in her eyes, Hyein stepped away and let Minji be next.

Minji took out a small bottle filled with a clear liquid.

She walked towards the girl and opened the bottle, then spilled it over the open cuts.

Marie started to roll on the ground in pain.

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