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It was a few hours after Harper decided she was coming with me

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It was a few hours after Harper decided she was coming with me. It was actually good that she came, she told me that she came to France to learn more about being a surgent. The person she was learning from lived in Paris so she just came and lived here so she could learn. 

Okay let's turn to that sign that says bateaux par ici. Harper said. 

Yeah, your gonna have to translate that. I said. 

Oh right it says boats this way. Harper said. 

Okay good, but that's not where I'm headed just yet. I said. 

Oh where are you headed then. Harper asked. 

I need to find someone first. I said.

Who is it? Harper said. 

You know you ask a lot of questions. I said. 

Is it your husband. Harper asked. 

As soon as she said husband I turned around and looked at her. 

How did you know that? I asked. 

Well I kinda guessed since I saw you had a wedding ring on, but that means I'm right.  Harper said.  

Okay, listen my husband and I went to go look for someone we know, but  it didn't go like how we planned. Then we got separated and then we both ended up in France. I said. 

And you think he's still alive and looking for you to. Harper asked. 

A hundred percent. I said. 

Well, that's not the smartest thing to d- I covered Harpers mouth because I heard footsteps. 

I thought that their were walkers coming but I than heard guns being aimed at us. 

Get down! I yelled tackling Harper to the ground. to avoid the gun shots at us. 

I grabbed Harper and we hid behind a car while gunshots were being shot as us. 

Assurez  vous qu' aucun ne survit! One of the men yelled. 

What did that asshole just say! I asked. 

He said make sure non survive. Harper said. 

Oh great. I said. 

I peeked a little behind the car and saw that one of the men did not have a gun he had an bow and arrow.  If I could get my hands on that bow I could take these guys out. 

Hey you a good shot? I asked. 

Yeah. Harper said. 

Good, I need you to cover me while I try to get that bow and arrow from that guy. I said. 

Are you crazy? Harper said. 

Nope just determined. I said as I crouched behind the car. Harper was not lying though she was a good shot. While the men were being distracted by her shots I was able to sneak behind the man. I grabbed my knife and slit his throat, while he was on the ground I grabbed his bow and arrow and shot at one of the soldiers in the throat while the other in the head. 

Damn how did you learn to shoot like that? Harper asked. 

I taught myself. I said. 

Cool. Harper said. 

Look I'm not leaving until I find My husband, so Harper this is a great chance to go back home to your family. I said. 

Hey, I told you that I was gonna help you didn't I. So I meant that, besides how hard can finding one man who I have no idea what he looks like in a whole fucking city  be. Harper said. 

Yeah, um I'm pretty sure it's gonna be hard. I said. 

Great. Harper said as she grabbed her stuff and we went on.  

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