Jake stands there absolutely shocked to the core, possibly to the fact that he or Enzo could end up dead, or the fact that Mattheo kept this secret from him all this time.

"Know what, I'm not even mad, actually fuck that I am mad, I'm mad that you've kept this from me and enzo but I understand why, id probably do the same if it was me. However I think we need to finish the packing and get onto the train"

I look at my brother is disbelief "We? Does this look like We? No it doesn't because it's not, I'm the one who's packed 4 bags, mine, Mollys, Yours and nearly Mattheo's so don't you dare say we and take my credit"

He looks at me in shock "fine then, You need to finish packing the bags" I stare at him in anger before quite literally grabbing mattheo's stuff and shoving it into his trunk, slamming the lid and storing out of the room.


If I'm being honest, I didn't even care whether the boys made it into the train. I gathered all of my stuff before bringing it with me to the station and boarding the train, all alone.

I found a compartment and sat in it, struggling but managing to place my trunk onto the railing over the seats. I brought out a book and began to read.

None of my friends came to find me when the train started to move, but I didn't care, I had Shakespeare and that's all I need. I eventually closed by book and rested my head against the window hoping to fall asleep.

And I think I did fall asleep because I suddenly came around, hearing harsh whispers outside of the compartment. Not knowing who it was, I decided to keep my eyes closed and listen.

"You both need to apologise now"

"Why should I say sorry I did nothing wrong he's the one who made her mad"

"Your her boyfriend, your always in the wrong"

"But he's her brother and made her mad and didn't even come to find her when we got onto the train"

"Hey don't try to blame this on me, all I did was say that we needed to pack YOUR trunk and she blew up at me for saying WE cause she did all the work, and she's not wrong but like she didn't need to blow up at me like that"

"Oh my Merlin, you guys are going to be the death of me. Now both of you go in their and apologise otherwise I will kill you both in your sleep and I'm pretty sure Allison will join me"

"Mattheo why is your sister so brutal like there no need to be" ok that was definitely from Jake, I love molly so much, I love when she mums the boys and even the girls.

"Mate I've learnt that the best way to survive life with Molly is to just agree with everything she says and accept when I'm wrong"

A little laugh escapes my lips before all of them go silent. The door opens and they fill the compartment as I try and make it seem as if I'm still sleeping. "Allison get up right now, I know your awake" Jake says while poking me in the side.

I pretend to yawn and stretch before looking at them all "oh afternoon guys, finally come to apologise?" Mattheo immediately looks at his feet while Jake looks out the window of the compartment.

Molly roles her eyes before smacking Mattheo across the head, standing up and doing the same to Jake then sitting down again. Both boys look at her in disbelief while a smirk is planted across her face.

"Ok look, I'm sorry for saying that it was a team effort when packing the trunks when in reality it was all you" Jake then immediately looks at molly for her approval of his apology to which she gives him a slight nod before facing Mattheo.

This wasn't the plan (M.R x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now