Chapter 24 - Fight at school...

Start from the beginning

Suki: But Vito...

Gabriel nodded to Dante and the second brother understood and made a U-turn to take the direction of the school. While Gabriel was talking with Suki, he called with his Bluetooth earpiece the bodyguard in charge of driving Suki home.

Gabriel: Vito is strong enough to defend himself! Go to the car, I stay online with you! Now!

Suki couldn't leave like that so, she didn't move. Gabriel understood that she was not listening to his order. She was probably freaking out, he needed to calm her first, so she would listen to him.

Gabriel: Suki... we are coming, but please, listen to me, find your bodyguard and stay with him until we arrive.

Bodyguard: Miss Smith! (Gabriel heard the man's voice.)

Suki: Mister, please, stop Vito...

Bodyguard: Miss, please, let's leave first. (He put his arm in front of her to guide her away.)

Suki: N... No!

Gabriel: Suki, go with him!

The bodyguard was still in call with Dante who ordered him to take their little sister to the car, carrying her if necessary. But even if Dante gave him that order, the bodyguard was not comfortable to do that because he knew perfectly that if in doing it, he hurt the little girl, his life would end at the end of the day.

Bodyguard: Miss, please, don't put me in a difficult situation.

Suki: (She looked at him with her teary eyes.) Onii-san...

Gabriel: Trust me, nothing will happen to your brother.

The one-to-one fight was still going on, even if Jones had more and more difficulties to take on Vito's hits. And the young man was in such anger that he seemed uncontrollable. When he heard the little voice of his half sister, it only fed his rage... but not his usual anger toward her, but his rage toward that guy who disrespected her.

Suki had followed the bodyguard to the car, but she kept her brother online. Minutes seemed hours until she saw Dante's car parking few meters away.

The two men in black suits came out, Gabriel looking for her, Dante walking toward the crowd. When he was close, she came out of the car. The bodyguard bowed and stepped back. Gabriel cut the call and bent to Suki's eyes level. He put some hair behind her ear and wiped her tears. He noticed the make-up.

Suki: Onii-san... Vito... he...

Gabriel: It's okay, calm down, Dante is taking care of this. (She was calming slowly.) What happened with your brother?

While Suki explained everything to her older brother, her second brother had reached the crowd. The students seeing him coming gave him space to come closer. There, Dante saw Vito punching a boy of his age, half conscious. 

Dante: Vito... enough! (He looked around.) If you don't wear the name Smith, I advice you to leave this place! (Everyone quickly dispersed.)

Vito: (He stopped hitting Jones and let go of his catch.) Pff... you have nothing to say anymore... you're lucky to be alive! (He wiped his bleeding lips.) Dante... what are you doing here?

Dante: The kid called Gabriel crying... asking for help... for you! Why did you fight like that in front of the school? You could have done that in a quieter place!

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