chapter 2

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The Next Day

A little Mobian was kidnapped that night.
It was a little wolf boy.
The parents were crying in the news, still hoping that their son was okay.

That day, Sonic was over at Tails' workshop with Amy and Knuckles.
They were looking at his new invention. No one could figure out what it was.

Tails stood there proudly showing off what his newest thing could do.
"Look, if you click this button right here."
He clicked it.
"Then you can just say what kind of food you want into this speaker right here."
He leaned over to the speaker and said "Chilidog" and the machine started rumbling.

It made a bell sound and opened its inside, and a Chilidog was placed in the middle.
Tails gave it to Sonic, whose eyes lit up at that moment: "You're such a genius!" He said and took the biggest bite out of the chilidog.

Tails rubbed his nose and grinned, "Hehe, I know."
Knuckles wanted to try next.
And Amy stood next to Tails and asked if it could also make cakes.

Suddenly everyone's attention was drawn to the radio on the table when an emergency was announced.
The newscaster said that everyone should hide in their homes and be aware of their surroundings outside because Eggman had been spotted in the city with a giant robot.

Since then, a small wolf boy has been missing. The mobian was described and then the newscaster told to notify them if they found him or any clues as to where he went.

" Eggman..." Sonic said angrily.
Knuckles was also angry " I knew something was up when he was silent for so long..." Amy clasped her hands in concern, "Poor boy..."

"Well team, you know what time it is."
Tails ran to his plane, with Amy and Knuckles jumping on as well.

Sonic ran outside.
Everyone flew and Sonic ran after Tails plane towards Eggman's place.

They crashed into his building and entered in the most dramatic way possible.

Sonic found Eggman sitting on a chair with his back turned towards them. Behind him was a dark room.

Sonic pointed at him, "It's over, Egghead. Hand over the child!"

Eggman turned around slowly, like the drama queen he is, "Well, well, well, what do we have here... all the rodents at once. Glad you all came to see my most advanced test simulation!"
The lights opened behind him.
It was the sheltered test room. The container was still in the same place, and the wolf boy was tied to a chair, screaming "Help me!" in a muffled voice.

Sonic instantly spindashed into the wall, cracking it, and Amy gave it a final blow with her hammer, causing it to explode in peaces.
Knuckles and Tails chase after Eggman, who just flies around his chair, which apparently had a jet boost.

Eggman was still laughing.
Then he pressed a button on his remote control and a really fast robot arm appeared out of the wall, catching Sonic before he could realize it as he was busy untying the kidnapped child.

"What the," Sonic said, wiggling around in the grip of the robot arm that brought him to the container.
Amy immediately attacked the arm with all her might. Sonic yelled "No Amy Wait-". The robot arm dodged her hammer attack and she accidentally hit the container behind it with all her might.

It shattered.

The black slime suddenly moved really fast towards Amy, so fast that it was hard to catch it with the eye, and Amy felt a slight sting go through her arm inside her.

The black slime was gone.

Everyone looked at her in silence.
Eggman cheered, "I wanted Sonic as my test subject, but this is not so bad aswell! Hoho, we will see the power of this beast!"
Eggman grinned, expecting something big to happen.

But nothing happened.

Everyone looked at Eggman.
He started to sweat. "Uh-oh..."

Amy managed to smash the robot arm and everyone ran after Eggman, who flew as fast as he could.
But Amy kicked Sonic up with her hammer and he flew into the sky after Eggman, ramming into him and sending him flying into the sky.

At the end of the day, they returned the boy to his parents, who shared an emotional embrace. The parents came up to the team, bowed before them, and thanked them.

After they left, everyone looked at Amy.

Sonic asked, "Um... are you okay?"
Amy replied that she was doing very well. And Knuckles asked, "Yeah... what was that thing? It moved!" Tails looked at her worriedly. "Are you sure you're all right? "
" Im fine, guys, really! Why would I lie to you?" She smiled and everyone was relieved.

Everyone went back to their own homes and got some well-deserved sleep.


Sonic x Shadow Generations is gonna be lit i can feel it in my jelly.

Anyways ive been playing sonic rush for the ds and... they did go extremely hard with the soundtrack like my brain is extremely happy when it does the " back to back itsspinningonthermtrack back to back itspinningontheturninspinnignonthespinignpntheturn do do do do do🎵🎶

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