chapter 1

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(At the G.U.N base in the middle of the night)


"Stop him!" cries a lab worker, calling for help.
Many soldiers rush from different parts of the building to stop the man behind the theft... but it is already too late.
The man with the large mustache was already gone.

Eggman was flying around in his newly built flying machine.
He had a big grin on his face as he looked at the precious thing he had stolen.

It was a small container with a black slime-like glittery thing inside.
It didn't look like much, but it was a thing protected by the government's special agencies.

Eggman arrived at his secret lab where he put the thing he just stole into another protected container.

Orbot and Cubot watched him.
"Sir, what is this going to be?"
"You said it was going to be something big?" The yellow robot asked.

"This is something big! It is so big that the whole G.U.N. agency is protecting it in their base! Do you stupid robots know what I had to go through to get this?"

"Sorry boss." The bot looked sad. "Wait... did you say the G.U.N.??!" The bot asked in shock. "Yes, you heard right. They say its from outer space..."

The bot looked at the slimy thing. It was only a tiny drop, but it was moving?
The bot recoiled from the strangeness of it.

"Now that I have it, I can finally test it! ProjectZ24 is going to be a great success! I can feel it!"

Later, Eggman and the two bots stood in front of a room with a transparent protection.

The container was inside the room, and in front of it was one of Eggman's robots.

With the command "Test Start" the container opened and the black slime moved out very fast.

The two bots had an uncomfortable look on their faces as they saw the slime wandering around on the robot, as if it had a consciousness and was looking for a place to enter.
But after a while it went back into the container.

"Test stop," Eggman shouted and the container closed itself.

"Looks like it can do nothing to robots..." he thought, playing with his facial hair. Then he grinned.

"I think we need to test it on living organisms."


Authors note:

Hope you liked the start of my newest story :3
If you want to check out something less edgy and more fluffy cute check out my story: SONAMY! (if you are a sonamy fan that is ofcourse)

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