5 ( Alt Title: Opal's Phone )

Start from the beginning

She decided to look through her gallary, wondering what photos she had.
Deciding to start from the bottom she scrolled all the way down.
The first photos were some awkward closeups of Pearl's face, no doubt her first attemps at selfies.
These were followed by some disernably better ones of Amethyst, likely trying to show Pearl how selfies worked.
A normal one of her smiling, then one similar, but with her eyes squeezed shut.
Then some of her grinning before the tone shifted.
The next were Amethyst pursing her lips and winking seductively.
The next photos were zoomed out, showing the quartz's full figure, allowing her to pose for some.
Opal wasnt sure if these following selfies were meant to annoy, teach, or possibly arouse Pearl, as they steadily got more and more suggustive until they cut to a photo of Pearl ( obviously taken by Amethyst,) face completely flushed and wide eyes casting her gaze on the floor.
Then one seemingly taken right after, chancing a look up.
Another showing Pearl's surprise that the camera was on her, followed by a few documenting the following annoyance and anger as she charged the quartz.
This was followed by a few very blurry photos of the wall and then floor as it became obvious that Amethyst had been tackled by her subject.

The next photos were timestamped aproximatly 3 months after these and were all landscapes.
The beach during a sunset, the sky a light salmon and the water calm.
A clearing in the woods, bright flowers sprouting out of the grass.
One taken seemingly in the same place as the former, pointed up at the bright sky, whispy clouds making a faint debuet on a stage of beautiful blue.
A far off shot of the temple, the great mossy statue holding the small canin in two of its arms; Steven always thought it was funny: such a great impressive, ancient thing, holding something so unassuming, small, and modest.
All these were almost certainly taken by Pearl, as she had come to love earth's scenery.
She also had many similar ones on her phone ( though Amethyst definatly didn't know that cause she definatly didn't go through pearl's phone when she wasn't looking.)

Opal remembered the next few, as they were taken by her.
A mix of selfies and landscapes, as well as some pictures of Steven and Garnet.

1 week after that a few selfies of Pearl most smiling before one of her sticking her tounge out and winking at the camera, most likely in an attempt to copy Amethyst.

About another month after that a bunch of selfies of the two of them together, taken from these was her current backround.

After this was an hour long video of Pearl going about her day.
Or at least Opal thinks, save for the first three minutes the screen was completely dark, and point towards this whole video being accidental.

The most recent was a contextless photo of a carton of eggs from about a month ago.

Opal sat there for a moment, mentally going over everything she just saw.
Then physically going through them again.
" What?" The fusion questioned aloud.

Deciding to move on to something else she opened the notes app.

Opal was very forgetful, she knew that.
Pearl and Amethyst had tried many tactics to help her remember things, but they didn't always work.
Recently they'd decided to write ' Check Notes ' on both their arms, as it would still be there when they fused.
This seemed to work for the most part, as long as she didn't get distracted before looking at her arms.
Of course, in the heat of battle she could handle herself, she'd never gotten distracted while being stared down.
But it was the smaller things that sometimes got her.

Her notes were a mix of lazy vaugities and hyper specifics, as well as back handed quips between her two halves.
She scanned through them.

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