Hello Rosie!

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Warnings: Swearing, mention of cannibalism and death

After meeting Heaven, things were bad to say the least. However, no one really talked about it.

Charlie was in her room probably crying out her grief and frustration. The others were in the lounge except for Y/N and Alastor who were in another room.

There was a bit of tension between the two demons. Alastor never thought in his worst nightmare that his own daughter would be an angel. But if he was being honest with himself, he shouldn't have been surprised. After all, she never did anything wrong.

But here they were alone in his daughter's room and he was impatiently waiting for them to talk about what happened.

Alastor was standing in front of the door waiting for Y/N to start talking who was at the other end of the room looking out the window.

It was only moments, but to Alastor it felt like hours had passed.

"So, dear, would you like to tell me all about it?" he finally asked in his normal voice. However, no response was received. Instead, Y/N just turned and looked at him.

"What's there to talk about. I was once an angel and now I'm here in Hell as a demon." she muttered, then looked away.

Alastor looked at her a little questioningly. "Darling, don't say silly things. You and I both know you're still an angel. Just in a more demonic guise."

Y/N sighed. She knew he was right. She was still an angel. The only thing she lost was her halo. Or her more angelic appearance. But even so, she couldn't be quite an angel yet, as she also acquired demonic powers. Rather, she was half angel, half demon.

"You want to know why I went to Hell?" she finally asked him and Alastor immediately nodded.

"Because of you." she said as Alastor's eyes widened slightly now. "What do you mean, dear?"

"As I said. Because of you. When I was in Heaven and found out you died, I couldn't wait to see you again. But it turns out you weren't meant to go to Heaven. I couldn't have imagined that. Mom and I were there, but you wasn't. It wouldn't have been complete that way. I desperately wanted you to be with us, but Heaven didn't appreciate that. And that's what it did to me."

Alastor said nothing. Instead, he was stuck in his thoughts. Like Y/N, he couldn't imagine a world without his daughter by his side. She was the one he loved more than anything. He never wanted her taken away from him. But once she was taken away from him. And almost for the second time.

He was brought out of his thoughts by the sound of Y/N approaching. His eyes immediately met hers.

"I think I better talk to Vaggie now." she said then walked to the door and left the room.

Alastor tried to stop her, but she was already gone by then. He just stood frozen for a moment, then buried his hands in his hair and let out a frustrated sigh.

This can not happen. He felt that the relationship between the two of them was beginning to deteriorate. He couldn't let her be taken from him again. Or to move away. He couldn't handle that. He had to do something.

But he didn't know what to do. He couldn't think because the only thing that kept playing in his head was the horrible scene of her being taken away from him.


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