Chapter 3

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That night Charlie was plagued with nightmares. She could barely sleep, and when to woke up the next morning the Princess of Hell was exhausted. She had to put a smile on her face so that she could do the interview. Charlie decided if they get done earlier enough maybe she could come back to the hotel and take a quick nap before their bonding exercise that she had planned for today. After trying to go back to sleep Charlie decides to get up and get ready for the interview. Well, getting ready Charlie noticed the more visible bags under her eyes. Dark purple lines on her white skin. She knew she had to find a way to hide for at least the interview. Charlie had covered them with makeup that she rarely used, hopefully, it would unnoticed by everyone.

Being at the 666 News studio was nerve-racking for Charlie, she remembers the last time she had an interview with Katie Killjoy and Tom Trench. Things didn't go well and Angel had made them look like a joke, that's why Charlie insisted on being Angel with her. 

"Angel, you should come with us?" Charlie asked excitedly to the spider demon as he was looking at his phone. 

"Why? Ya don't need me when talkin' about the hotel." Angel asked looking from his phone. The pleading look in her eyes had said it all. Angel really couldn't say no to Charlie's signature puppy eyes. She did stay up late waiting for him to come home from the studio. Any time he needed to talk to her, she was always there. This was the least he could do for her. After everything she has done for him. Angel groaned. This was going to be a pain in the ass. Angel couldn't help but worry if his boss was going to see this. Angel gives himself a mental reminder that Valentino can't control him outside the studio. 

"But Angel you represent what we are trying to do here!" Charlie said. Angel didn't have the heart to say no to her. 

"Fine. I'll go with ya." Angel agreed. Charlie squealed attacking him with a hug. Angel padded the top of her head. He was really getting used to this life, something to look forward to after dealing with Valentino. 

Angel watched as Charlie tapped her foot on the tile floor. Vaggie had gotten Charlie to stop pacing around worried that she was literally going to burn a hole through the floor. Angel was a bit nervous about this. As long as Charlie kept her cool things would be just fine. She could take Katie Killjoy's mockery. Don't think about it too much. You got this Charlie! Just talk about the hotel or I could sing about it. No, you can't! Look what happened last time! Just talk about it! Show all of Hell that you think every sinner deserves a second chance. The princess took a deep breath, and Vaggie intertwined her fingers with hers squeezing her hand. 

Charlie's nerves made it hard for her to breathe. She had a bad feeling that she was going to mess everything up. She folded her hands and her lap, she was trying her best to sit still. She wished her dad was here, but something had come up something with the other sins. Probably Mammon giving Lucifer another headache. 

"Hello Everyone, I'm Katie Killjoy here with Tom Trench! Today, we have some very special guests with us! Welcome, The Princess of Hell, Charlie Morningstar!" There were the three of them sitting there. Vaggie was on Charlie's right and Angel was on her left. 

"Hello everyone! I'm Charlie Morningstar with me I have Angel Dust and my partner Vaggie!" Charlie introduced them. The two host cringe at his the porn star with the princess of hell. It turns out that he has been trying to get clean after all. 

"So, we have heard so many things about your passion project! Why don't you first start telling us about it?" Katie said not caring what the princess had the say about her hotel. It only reason why she even got this interview was because Lucifer had called. It's not exactly easy to say no to the King of Hell. 

"Oh right! Here at the Hazbin Hotel, we redeem sinners! Those who feel lost or don't belong can come to our hotel to seek redemption to get into Heaven. Those seeking to better themselves can come to see us at the Hazbin Hotel!" Charlie said excitedly. Katie grinned and Tom was trying to hold back a laugh of how ridiculous this plan sounded. 

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