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" The Feeding Routine of Ancient Paranoiacs " author: Shu Fangzhai
After returning to the city, he said goodbye to Lu Pingwan. Lu Mozhen didn't leave Prince Yu's Mansion for the next few days, and he met Lu Yu.

Deep inside the ancient house, Lu Yu had raised two ferocious wolf dogs and was watching the pet fight. The bites were very ferocious and cruel, and blood stains were scattered on the ground. Lu Mozhen is not interested in these things. He is not as evil as Lu Yu. He is not easy to live with others and has a personality like theirs, but those who find Yihou will be much better than before.

At least, he won't take the initiative to embarrass or provoke anyone.

When the sun was shining brightly, Lu Yu was lying under the tree. The maid only dared to give him the best fruits carefully prepared, and did not dare to make any attempt to seduce him. After doing this, they all bowed their heads respectfully and left silently.

"What, have you figured it out?" Lu Yu asked lazily.

He was dressed in black brocade clothes, and looked fierce no matter how he looked. Lu Mozhen approached and said, "I agree to go with you to Cangnan and come back after suppressing the barbarians. But before that, I have to deal with some people, and you have to do something for me."

Lu Yu looked over with interest: "You want to negotiate terms with me?"

Lu Mozhen showed no intention of backing down: "You can take it or not. It's up to me to decide whether to go to Cangnan or not."

"Tell me."

"I want you to go to the palace and ask the imperial uncle for an imperial decree to grant a marriage."

"Give it to whom?"


Lu Yu's slightly narrowed black eyes opened completely and he stood up slightly from the recliner. He stared at his nephew closely, not really expecting that this was what he wanted to do. "It seems that this is the condition you made. Your Yi is Lu Qiong's daughter, right?" He smiled slightly maliciously.

In his opinion, what Lu Yu asked was completely nonsense. Lu Mozhen remained silent. Lu Yu had known about it a long time ago, but today they just said it openly. Moreover, Lu Yu will definitely agree.

"It's okay if you don't say it. Then what should I tell the emperor about Lu Pingwan? My dear son, don't forget that the sharpest blade in the world cannot break free from its master's hand. All he wants is for you to be obedient."

Lu Yu spoke in a casual tone, but his expression was extremely dangerous. Lu Mozhen frowned when she heard Lu Pingwan's name and said, "As long as he doesn't think that I have found Yi, it will be fine. Before this, I was not the only one who married someone who was not destined to be married."

Lu Yu raised his eyebrows: "Oh, you're talking about the poor guy who took a new wife, cut her body into pieces and then committed suicide within a year?"

Yes, even if they can marry a new wife, there will be a day when they are very concerned about their wife's identity. When that day comes, they all know what kind of tragedy they will face. If you want to force one of them to death, you can definitely violate his taboo, but since that happened, new regulations have come out. Unless people like them agree, no one can force them to marry. who.

This is also the reason why the aristocratic families in the capital do not want to give away their daughters easily even if they want to cling to the imperial aristocracy. Because this will be a wasted deal, which is not cost-effective.

Lu Yu curled his lips and smiled, and actually agreed easily: "Yes, I can go anytime."

"You must do this within three days." Lu Mozhen said.

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