"I firmly suggest that she stays here in our base." Shepard's thick voice came from behind us.

"There is no chance in hell that I'm leaving her here with you rats." Price fired back. The longer we stayed here arguing, the higher the chance was that someone would get hurt.

"It wasn't a suggestion John." Shepard replied as he sat down behind his desk.

"You don't care about her safety, all you want is to capture Makarov. No matter who gets hurt." Jhonny said through gritted teeth from beside me.

"Start thinking with you head and not your dicks." Graves took a step closer towards Jhonny, until they stood inches away from each other. "We all want to capture Makarov before he kills thousands of innocent people. And since he wants her, she is our best chance of getting to him."

Jhonny's hatred was still fueled by the pain of Graves his betrayal. They had worked alongside each other for a while, assisting one another in a lot of missions the past year.

When I noticed Jhonny was about to release some of that anger and attack him, did I place my hand on his arm and stopped him. I took a step forward and angled myself in between the two, not wanting him to get hurt.

"I don't trust you with my safety," My eyes turned from Graves towards Shepard. "If you want me to lure Makarov out of hiding, then they stay here with me."

"Who are you to make demands here?" Graves spitted in annoyance.

"You need me, so I suggest you start playing nice." I fired back, having both Jhonny and Simon right behind me gave me a great confidence boost. It was like having two guard dogs that were ready to attack.

Graves opened his mouth again to start arguing back but got caught off by Shepard, who agreed with my demand. I had to try my hardest to keep the smile off of my face when I saw the displeased look on Graves his face.

He ordered Graves to show us to the rooms we'd be staying at. It was located at the end of the base, specially made for guests. But we were surrounded by so many Shadows, and that caused a lot of tension in the team.

Price had contacted Gaz, who'd gather the rest of the team and make their way towards us. We were about to fight Makarov and could use all the help we can get.

After a few hours they reached the base and we all went to collect them at the gates. Gaz walked over, followed by Frost, Chloe, Roach and Maria.

"Maria," I heard Graves shout from behind us. He walked over to us with his arms hung open, right before they wrapped around her in a tight embrace. "Welcome back!"

My mouth fell open when I saw the two of them hugging. I always knew I didn't like her and felt that something was off about her but I didn't expect this. She was a spy, a lying snake who worked with Graves and pretended to be a part of task force 141.

There was a big grin displayed on Graves his face when he looked at our shocked expressions. "You see, if I wanted you dead, you would've been dead a long time ago."

Maria and Graves walked back to the base, being too busy in catching up. The rest of the team was guided towards their cafeteria by a handful of Shadows. We sat their for a while, but I had barely touched my food.

After dinner we went back to our rooms, both Simon and Jhonny had been by my side the entire time. They haven't left my side for even a minute.

My head was pounding so I decided to change into some more comfortable clothes. Meaning I stole Simon's shirt when he was in the shower, removed my pants and settled down on the bed.

Jhonny just returned to the room with an extra pillow and blanket underneath his arm. I guess it's safe to say they're both staying in my room. He placed the stuff on the foot of the bed before he sat down next to me.

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