Draft. Someone breaks in.

Start from the beginning

  + From the very first instant that Kai suspected that someone had entered her home, her Domain, her TERRITORY. She had become silently livid that someone had actually dared to come into her home uninvited. She kept a calm facade on her face and in her demeanor as she turned back towards KRS.

  + She tossed her phone at him and told him to call the police. He fumbled as he caught it. "Hey! You remember how to call the police right?" She whisper yelled at KRS. He nodded as he clutched the phone in his hands with widened eyes. "Remember to sound extra scared and innocent." She gave him a playful smile as she held a finger to her lips. "And don't forget to tell them that I went out and you don't know what's happening, ok?" "Yes, Noona..." KRS responded with a hesitant but slow and determined nod. With one last look back she said one more thing. "I'm gonna leave the bat with you, I'll grab the other one outside. Use it if you have to, alright?" Once again KRS gave a determined nod as he responded resolutely. "Yes, Noona."

  + Kai then slowly opened the door as she peeked out to survey the outside, KRS had the phone at the ready to call (911?) once Kai left the room. She stepped out and carefully closed the door behind her as she looked around with the eyes of a predator. 'Let the hunt begin.' She thought to her self.

  + She made her way down the short hallway as she crept along it. It took her only a few seconds to do so as she had many years of practice. She was a Demigod of course and she had done many missions that involved hiding from monsters or sneaking around them. Humans/Civilians/Mortals were also some of the beings that she used those skills against.

  + Kai started to hear talking as she made her way to the doorway going to the living room. It sounded like just one man talking to himself but the things he was muttering to himself and the way he was saying it made her stomach churn in disgust.

  + Kai walked past her own bedroom and reached into the closet full of blankets and towels, pulling out a half wood half metal bat that was rather solid. She called it Luke, out of habit and perhaps on reflex since it was the first thing to pop in her head when she saw it.

  + She held the bat in her hands as she scanned the living room and kitchen from the hallway. In the living room she saw as a man stood in front of a shelf with pictures of herself and KRS. He was talking to himself and as he looked at the pictures in the frames, then he started touching them and petting them.

  + "We'll be a perfect family! She'll be my loving wife this time. And this boy, we don't have to keep him for long. Just until she and I have our own son! But what if its a daughter? That's fine! Hehehehe...! I just I'll just have to keep trying~~! Ah~ shes so beautiful~ My love, darling, dear, honey, baby, mine, mine, mine! She's the one I want!" The man wore a long beige coat and in his other hand held a gun. At his feet was a bag with duct tape, rope, and zip ties sticking out of it. His eyes held a lecherous gleam as he spoke in a greatly possessive way. He danced around giddily as he fondled Kai's picture. His face was red with a bright flush as he ran a finger along a framed picture of just Kai at the beach. He picked it up and held it close to his face. The man had closed the front door but it had traces of being broken along the frame and edges of the door.

  + "Hey creep." Kai spoke in a harsh tone as she walked into the living room. She was well aware that the man had a gun in hand but she didn't really care about it as it wouldn't be much use if it didn't hit her. She walked in with her bat at the ready and of course still in her sleep clothes. The man's face broke out into a creepy and lecherous grin at the sight of her.

  + "What the fuck do you think you're doing in my house?. I don't think I ever fucking allowed you too. I'll give you one chance to get the hell out!" Her eyes gleamed with anger and hatred and in all honesty didn't think that this crazy man would leave peacefully. But that was fine.

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