Draft. Someone breaks in.

33 2 5

   Kai gets territorial.

  + It was a peaceful day with Rok Soo and Kai, the only speed bump they had had all week was a crazy man a few days ago and even that man hadn't stayed in mind long.

  + Kai had just finished helping KRS with his homework as she made dinner and they set the table up for dinner. They chatted over what KRS did at school and what Kai did at work, as well as the new books or stories they had found and had read or started reading. Kai had been reading little short stories online where humans were considered the boogyman of the galaxy while KRS had found a fun little storybook in one of his schools book corners.

  + Once it was time for bed the two of them washed up and changed for bed. Kai, in loose comfy clothes and KRS in Finding Nemo pajamas that Percy had gotten him before. Percy had given them to him for one of his birthdays and had gave him a pillowcase and sheets with blue cookie designs for Christmas. Kai burst out laughing when she saw the present and thought it was hilarious. KRS used them often because he liked how her expression seemed to lighten with amusement whenever she saw them. She had also put her hair into a loose braid that draped across her shoulders.

  + Kai sat near the edge of KRS's bed as she leaned against the headboard of the bed. She snuggled with KRS as she held a storybook open on her lap. The small book was in English because Kai had been teaching KRS English.

  + She cuddled close to KRS as she read aloud the storybook in both Korean and English, tickling him and messing with him as she compared him to the main character of the book.

  + When she read in English, KRS would ask questions about what some of the words were and she would explain them patiently. She gave kind smiles in response to KRS's questions and gladly taught him what he'd wanted to know.

  + In fact, the reason Kai was teaching KRS English in the first place was because KRS often saw Kai talk in English to either herself, the air, or her brother Percy, and he wanted to be able to do it to. He wanted to be able talk to her in english like her brother did.

  + Just as Kai was nearing the end of the story and had started to exaggerate her retelling with her movements, at sort of the fourth fifth of the book, all of a sudden. Her senses intensified and she had thought that she'd heard something. She stopped reading for a moment as her body tensed instinctively, her eyes widening as her ears perked up and she focused on KRS's door. KRS was confused for a moment why Kai had stopped reading as he was on the verge of sleep, kept only awake by Kai's excitement in telling the story as he laid on the bed space next to her while watching her through half closed eyelids.

  + KRS started to get up and ask what was wrong when he realized that Kai had stiffened and was staring warily and intently towards his bedroom door. Just as he rose to prop himself up with his hands and opened his mouth to speak. Kai heard something and she quickly shushed him.

  + KRS had also heard the unidentified sound and so he quickly and obediently stayed quiet. He was confused as to what the sound was as well as why there was one. Sure, they had often heard the neighbors sometimes shout down the halls and run and bump into the walls. Or even stomped around like they were having a party upstairs. But, the sound they had heard this time was different.

  + It didn't sound like it was from outside, in the halls, from the walls, or from upstairs. No, it sounded like it was from inside their apartment. They had not invited anyone and no one besides them should've been inside their home. And yet they heard something.

  + Kai whispered to the now awake and alert KRS to stay quiet as she checked it out. She carefully got off the bed as she stalked towards the closed door. For a moment she stood by the door to double check that she'd actually heard something and after only a second she heard a heavy footstep and strange shuffling sounds.

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