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After few days, I started to get back to my usual routine. I walked back to home from college. The routine was hectic but at least it was keeping me busy.

From afar, I saw someone sitting in front of my house door. I widened my eyes when I got the clear look of that person. It was the robber. I was terrified. Even though, I ate his food, I was out of my mind that time. I quickly took out my phone to dial cops but when I saw his face, it had regret, remorse on it.

He had a bag with him.

"I am sorry for suddenly showing up like this, but I told my mom what I did. She scolded at me about my wrong doing. She told me to apologise to you and gave me this soup as an apology to you." He explained himself.

I felt anger and fear rushing through my veins. I slapped the bowl from his hand.

"You better leave before I call the cops and get you arrested." I warned him and waited for him to leave. 

He sighed and left. He looked utterly upset but I could care less.

I entered my house and leaned against the door. Was I being too harsh to him? 

He was unknown. I should not entertain him. I don't even know what his intentions are.

Intruder || Lee HeeseungWhere stories live. Discover now